Xoalin's forum of philosophy

Are you a philosoph who wants to express his point of view? Do you wan’t to talk about spiritual experiences or share your thoughts about them?

Yes, there is “Beyond Dreaming” but some topics just don’t fit in. I just found out about Xoalin’s forum of philosophy and I think it’s great, I’ve always looked something like this but never found any good ones. The only problem is, that there aren’t so much registered users yet, so if youre interested about it, please come and join :content:

The forum can be found at siliconscientists.org/xoalin … /index.php

Thanks Xoalin for putting the forum out there. :smile:


:sad: (For anyone interested in phisosophy read Sophie’s World , its an AMAZING book :grin:

wat neo “not from the matrix” said.

Works for me.

Try through siliconscientists.org/xoalin/phpBB2/

k i got it, https://www.siliconscientists.org/xoalin/phpBB2/