I remember a small fragment of a dream from last night, in which I was in my kitchen, doing an RC, and I saw my watch change by 54 minutes everytime I looked at it. I was like, “I"M DREAMING! Don’t lose it don’t lose it don’t lose it don’t lose it”. I’m starting to get somewhere. Wow. It’s been about a month or two since my last experience like this. ^.^ Yay!
heh, so… did you loose it?
by the way, feel special, my 100th post! woo! heck yeah, 3 stars… about time
congrats to both of you
i had a LD last night and it was a great experience.
Yay! And I’m not sure if I lost it, I just have an absence of memory. ^.^
S-U-C-C-E-S-S thats the way you spell success! WOO!
Great!!! I just looked at a clock yesterday, I´ve remembered just a fragment, just like you. THIS IS MY SECOND FEAT IN THE WORLD OF DREAMS, THE FIRST WAS SOME THREE WEEKS AGO. At that time, I could find my hands and do a rc. But i thought I was awke, so I lost control…
yay! share the good times!
Awsome, good for you, and good luck in the future!
haha nice.
i had a very strange experience to night, i think it was a false awaking. i was dreaming trying to kill a person, but the person never died.
so i realised i was dreaming and then i woke up and somehow i was STILL dreaming but i thought that i woke up in real life. i tried to get lucid etc after i woke up in real life (but i was dreaming). but then again i woke up in my real bed.
Last night I dreamt I went back in time, and I remember thinking
“Hey, is this a dream? No, it can’t be, I must have travelled back in time IRL!”
btw, congratulations Trung
Congratulations on your LD! I wish I could LD, but I just started about a week ago. How does it feel to LD?
yet more success! I’m getting further and further!
^.^ yay! Good luck!