Yayyy, 1st LD after break!

Hello and welcome to another topic just like the others… almost at least. I’m a guy from Denmark and I’ve been doing some Lucid dreaming before (a year ago maybe). For some reason I lost the motivation even though I already had had a few LDs.

Now I’ve begun my DJ on my homepage ( fys.ku.dk/~esbenps ). Yesterday I decided to write it all down and include every dreamsign I could find in my dreams. Just before going to bed, I read it again focusing on the dreamsigns and reality checks etc. And when I woke up this morning I had one lucid dream in my memory :cool_laugh:
It was a wee bit short, but it was great fun…

Just wanted to share my excitement if that’s allright! Have fun!

(My dream journal can also be accessed from here: fys.ku.dk/~esbenps/djournal.htm )

I just had a Lucid Dream myself :content: it’s a very exciting experience. I always enjoy waking up and remember that I had LD. Except when I accidently wake up from one :sad:

Congrats on the LD though! :partying_face:

I just had 3 WILDs this morning. Even though each of them only lasted a minute or so, it still was very exciting! :happy:

Good luck on having more, Noktulo. :happy: