haha i had my first LD ! about 15 seconds. but it was AWSUM!
16 days after i found out about LD’s im so psyched right now :bounce:
thanks to every one here 4 the advice :smile:

Congratulations myR! :good:
I can tell you’re very excited :lol:

Now that you know how one feels like, try to remember it when you go to bed, and be prepared for more! They come much easier after the first :wink:

Congratulations myr, it brought me a smile that you succeeded with an LD :cool_laugh:

As tosxy said, youll get your next LD’s easier, good luck :happy:

:grin: Alright! I’m excited too. This is a blessing.
Keep it up myR.
Like what tosxyChor said,
You caught your wave. Ride it!

Cool !

how did you do it, RC’s?

Congratz… ! :hyper: :bow: :cheer: :bow:

iv started reading “exploring the world of lucid dreaming” by s. La Berge, he describes what i can relate to as the activation of my critical faculty (the part of your brain that rationally processes external happenings). but it for me was only momentarily, luckily for me , that moment was the same moment when i was wondering “Why do i own my friends house?!”, generally without an active critical faculty i would have reasoned “i guess i bought it from him”.
so this time i used no RC’s at all, i just spontaneously became lucid after that

once i learnt i was lucid i decided to fly, because i knew (by reading these forums) that the first LD is generally short, i decided to make the most of it, i shot up ±300 meters up in the air, haha i tried a back flip, but like i said it faded after 15 secs

first LD is like the best thing ever…:cheer:
and a spontaneous one, is like cherry on the top…

i feel very happy for you… :smile:

Congratulations! :happy:
It’s nice to see how happy you’re with it! :smile:
Your enthousiasm makes me even more motivated to have an LD too! :wink:

Bye, Leaf.

Congrats!!! Good luck with the other ones =D

Congrats on youfirst LD! :content: When it happens you get SO psyched to continue. The experience is amazing.

I remember my first. I woke up in a chair in my house, and I immediately knew it was a LD since I succeeded by doing the WILD method. I did a RC just in case and got really excited. But the weird thing was that the first thing I did, was to go to my bathroom and drink some water from my water tap :confused: It tasted water alright, and I woke up right after. I should maybe thought of something better to do, but the LD came so suddenly, I had no idea what to do xD

I’m to impationt to wait for the wave, I decided to break break the dam and open the flood gates! 7 lucid dreams in one night. WBTB is a mircale worker.

gz ;DD i felt the same way i got my first ld :wink: