Well last night I had a good lucid dream going, but then my mom (in the dream) yelled at me so I tryed to yell back and my voice wouldn’t work. This startled me and I woke up. Anyone else had this problem? I’m kind of worried to talk in the next lucid dream I have now.
I never talk or shout in my LD’s, I’m still a bit afraid anyone can hear me shouting in the middle of the night . Being worried about talking in your next LD makes it only worse, I guess. Just believe you can talk, you can try to whisper first and talk and then shout.
This works for me when I (for excample) try to make a tree fall with ‘mindcontrol’. I will first bend it just a little, and when I see it works I try to bend it more and more, and finally the tree falls down.
I think it works the same with other things that won’t work in your LD’s.
That happens to me all the time! Especially in nightmares. The more I try to yell, the more my voice fades. Could it be because our voice is actually paralyzed?
nope i have never had that… i yell at my dream and it blows up lol
sometimes i yell so loud it sounds like i’m yelling in real life because dreams don’t usually have a “volume” to them…
and othertimes it’s like my vocal chords are paralyzed (they probably are)
when I yell in my lucid dreams… it alawys shakes my world into nothing lol or sometimse I cause all buildings to fall down on me. lol
It’s a rush though!
thrill seeker dm7
First LD i had it was when i first tried to talk that i had an FA.
But otherwise i can talk fine.
As for yelling it does sound REALLY loud like when i yell ‘increase lucidity now!’ and its so loud i think that i must be sleep yelling.