Awesome I had my first LD last night, sadly it only lasted about a minute and I didnt get todo some things but it was really cool.
here it is from my DJ,
my first dream on this night, This is the exciteing dream, I had gone to the races with my dad. We were sitting up in the bleachers smelling the burning rubber, and the fuel. When all of the sudden I was down in the street running away from the cars. I did not want to get ran over so I kept running, but then I said to myself “how did I get down here” “oh my gosh I am dreaming” so turned around and the cars were gone,everything began becomming very vivid and clear. Looking around the runway now, it was really dark and I could not see the bleachers. I closed my eyes and said “I am going to teleport home” when I opened them it was really blury and I was in a dark area, my body was illuminated but the rest of the area around me was dark and blury. I knew i was loseing lucidity so I tried to find somthing to focus on , I found a race car and began focusing on it. It slowly came back to me, I said “that was close” but then I turned around and there was a car heading straight for me. I had no time to evade, I jumped to the right, it hit me in the legs, and I fell back into a normal dream.
It was DILD even though I went to sleep useing a counting WILD (“1 I am dreaming 2 I am dreaming 3 I am dreaming…”) whatever works I guess
Thanks to all you who helped me with my questions you know who you are