I had an LD last night! My third LD total, my first in like a year :cool_laugh: ! I didn’t do much, I showed off by moving small objects around with my mind. I couldn’t think of anything else to do, my lucidity was pretty good, but thinking about RL was still kind of hard. I tried to test my lucidity by seeing how well I could remember RL, couldn’t remember much. My memory of the dream is a bit foggy, but I remember my mind being pretty clear in the dream. Unfortunately, I don’t remember how it ended, but I didn’t wake up, I stayed cool. Hmmm, I just remembered there was more to my dream and I kept fearing it would end, but I don’t remember what I was doing. I heard that the more you LD the easier it gets. I really hope this is true because I find it pretty hard to LD. I even gave up trying when I got into it a while ago, and didn’t make much progress. I’ve been coming on this forum everyday for the last two weeks, trying everything, and this is the first time I’ve gotten an LD. Then again some people try for months before their first. Maybe my LD had something to do with the fact that I ate a bunch of popcorn, cereal and chips & queso before bed while watching a movie. Anyways, sorry bout the long post, I’m just glad I had an LD :grin: ! Any tips or insights are appreciated :smile:

for all who look at this, even if u dont read the first post, i really would like to know if the more u LD the easier it gets. Wut do you guys think?

I notice you type “an LD” instead of “a LD”
It reads and looks so much better in my opinion, and I type that myself sometimes. Maybe because it sounds like “an EL dee” which brings a vowel sound. :happy:

oh yeah

CONGRATS! whoooo yoooo! happy 3rd LD, 3 is my favorite number, if that brings any more lucid luck. :lmao:

I think the more LDs you have the more you can learn to stablize and extend the LD experience. I also think you can increase the frequency of lucidity with each LD.

I’m not sure about “easy” though. Inducing them at will can be a true challenge for even experienced lucid dreamers.

yeah i noe wut u mean, but i must be on a roll. i had another one last night, my fourth! 2 in 2 nights! wow if i keep going in this direction im gonna be one happy person :cool_laugh: . and yeah “a LD” just doesn’t sound good to me lol.

Hey, I’m another ‘an LD’ person :wink:.

Anyways, for your question, I do think it gets easier to LD the more you do it. Also, I find that LD’s come in bursts, so don’t be suprised if you have another one soon and then go for a bit without any.

lol. shure would be awesome if this “burst” would last forever tho :happy:

LD does get easier, BUT you have to keep up the practice, remember to remember your dreams and do all your techniques. If you slack off because you’re getting more, you might lose it all (like me) and have to start over painfully, without the initial super motivation you get when you’re a beginner…

Well anyways keep it up :smile:

thnx ill remember that. i had another one this morning, it’s weird i don’t remember doing RC’s in any of them, i think i just became spontaneously aware. :smile: mayb now that im getting to sleep a bit easier and getting more LD’s ill try WILD again. neways thanx guys. :smile:
NOTE: I just remembered how I became lucid this morning, I felt that my eyes were closed, yet I could see thru them. shure enuf i touched my eyelids and they were closed. plus, there was this really weird precher guy (quaker, amish, i dunno?) and he was all “today we come to the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD!” it was so silly and ridiculous that it caused me to be pre-lucid. :smile:

:lol: lol, dream_reacher, you should be a dream_researcher and invest some ideas in the lab. haha, very impressive. :smile:

lol, not really, i usually find it pretty hard, just got lucky :grin: ! didn’t have one last night tho :sad: , o well, there’s always the next night! :smile: dream_researcher lol haha :content: im slow

yay! :cool_laugh: another one! suppose i ought to stop posting here tho, should prob do a DJ…