Well i finally decided to try the WBTB method, and i woke up early about 6 or 7 and for about 3 or 5 mins i focused on MILD and told my self that i wold wake up in my dream. As soon as i fell asleep i entered a dream and looked at my hands, and realized i was dreaming i then woke up immediatley. Then i fell asleep again and instead of looking at my hands i rubbed them together, and then looked at them, at first glance they looked normal but then one was kind of invisible looking and the other just wierd, i was in a city i didnt do anything crazy i just stood there all alone in a city just looking around and enjoying the fact that i was lucid. It only lasted about 30 secs. The weird thing is that once i woke up later my LD was a little bit vague and i couldnt remember it fully.
It was a low level LD, because i just sat there and didnt do anything or control everything and everything was not crystal clear but nonetheless it was a LD, and im happy for 2 weeks.
Then i guess i was lucky, the only weird thing was that the minute i was in my dream i did a rc, like if that was my soul intention. It was cool none the less
You don’t necessarily need to stay up for a while before going back to bed. Some people, if they can keep their determination in mind long enough, are able to go back to bed right away.
I wake up several times during sleep, and each time I turn over and go back to sleep right away. This can either lead to a WILD if I manage to keep thinking, or if I fall asleep, then there’s a chance that MILD will have worked.
I sometimes have a problem with insomnia, so I can’t stay up too long after waking up or I might not be able to get back to sleep because my mind is too awake.
Like PK_Kid said, it really depends on individuals. For me, it depends on how awake my mind is. I can’t stay up for more than 30 min though or I’ll definitely stay awake for other 1 hour and have low-quality LD’s. That’s not what i want. I can range from staying up for 30 seconds to make sure I’m awake and fall asleep or to around 10 min… no more. It’s usually is good for me. Or I even stay asleep and don’t even move, that’s how I reenter my dreams more quickly. It really depends on the factors and conditions that you’re in. Just listen to yourself and experiment to see what’s the best for you. Alright?