Hello. I’m a bit of a newcomer, but I have known about the concepts for quite some time.
I’m 21 now, and have been aware of LD for about 3 years. I had my first lucid dream when I was 18, and I was walking in a shopping mall. As soon as I realized I was dreaming, I had a mad rush of energy and freedom. I immediately attempted to fly, fu*k, eat, scream, and kill all at once. It was a bit to much, and my dreamscape started to kind of fall on itself. I still remember it collapsing, it was a bit like a bad 3d model made of polygons made to squish by an even worse 3d renderer…
Anyway, enough with the boring story. I’m here for one reason; a reason that I assume is shared widely on this forum: balance. I seek balance between my waking life and my regenerative life. I desire to make my dreams everything they can be; release, organization of thoughts and desires, and to provide a polarization for my mind.
I hope I can grow, and by taking an active part in the LD community, increase my likelihood of skyrocketing my awareness.