
So, I was wondering if anyone here practices Yoga? I just started to-day, and after just a half-hour from the info on various sites, I can already feel the benefits. It’s awesome! My back seems to want to be a little straighter than it did before, and I can feel my hips getting more flexible. I also feel more relaxed than I have in a while. Mind you, this is just with the basic poses, as I don’t have the flexibility to do much yet.

So far, I’ve been working on Dandasana, Tadasana, and Matsyasana. I hope to implement the Virabhadrasanas soon.

Can anyone do Lotus? :content:

Haha ive been doing yoga for a few weeks now, i do Ashtanga yoga and yes i can go into the Full Lotus position. Meditation in accompaniment with yoga also is beneficial

Any tips?

On what exactlY?

Sorry. Lotus specifically. But anything else would be nice too.

hmmmm idk if i can really give you any tips on how to preform that particular position, other than just do it. but i think it has something to do with your hip flexibility, so to test that, try doing the butterfly position and comming foward and trying to touch your feet or ground with your head.

and another thing is, dont force yourself, your body will open up with time so dont force anything, just flow with it

the rule of yoga is to never do too much, or too little
be patient with yourself,
i used to meditate in full lotus but it made my ankle bones go out of alignment!


to do lotus

spend a few hours deeply and gently stretching the legs, when the legs get sore rest in a pose that stretches others

for instance

dangling forward fold, not stretching rather, letting the gravity bring you deeper and deeper over time (this is yin yoga, my preferred way, as is gentle)
after a while you go
“oh man! my legs are sore now”
so you do cobra, or down dog, or anything else
spend forever opening your legs,
and then full lotus will be easy
might take a few days or a week, or a few hours

yoga is about intuition, what is beautiful is that you can see the results immediately, for instance you can set in your mind “I will master camel” and even if you can’t grab your ankles, if you practice diligently for several hours straight, for a few days a week, you’ll be amazed at how clean and open you can get yourself!

i teach a yoga class…
and only do it once a week, which is when i teach…
so… my body is not open as it should be, but mainly i am interested in doing kriyas and running energy through meditation, rather than working on the physical

at some point i intend to fully immerse myself in deep hatha yoga and perfect the physical body.
as well as go on an intensive fast, for i do not often hunger at all, rather simply eat out of habit.


to do full lotus, you want… your legs to be so open and limber, that you can sit that way for an hour or so without any loss of circulation or discomfort, so i mean REALLY stretch yourself open…

This is interesting…i would like to try this…
Any starting hints? :grin:
Mabye a site,or a quick tutorial? :grin:

I really like

Thanks ^^
I’ll try it tomorrow…right now i’m about to go to bed… :yawn:
Good luck on it,guys!

/me hopes he’ll get to all the interesting stuff as quick as possible

I’ve been practicing Yoga since I was in high school…
I could go on and on about all the benefits and enhancements it has brought to my life!
I encourage all to start a regular practice
And good luck to those just discovering!

The first time I ever practiced yoga was around a year ago when I was searching for a way out of some back pain that has been troubling me. I did some research on the poses and timing, and maan, that first time, when I really tried, left me feeling physically incredible for the day afterward. I really only practiced a few short sessions every couple of days, nothing serious. After that, I gave it up for a while but I’ve been back at it these past two weeks ever since a masseuse reccommended classical yoga to me. It’s becoming kind of a habitual thing for me now.

I’d like to give a go at longer sessions, I have a lotta loosening up to do. I’m not so flexible, but I’ve been getting better.

I finally made padmasana! Now I just have to get all the pain in my hips to go away. It’s amazing how easy it is to keep a straight back like that.

Please do!
I have neglected practice since being in college, is limited to my class I teach once a week…
feel more like I should be teaching meditation and anchoring in the lights for them,
or tai chi which I taught my mom today,
Tai chi is sweet !

like others when i really got into putting effort into it i also had amazing results, I have opened the solar plexus a few times and moved kundalini through the extensive practice of plough pose, which has always been my favorite,
it is very powerful !

one time I spent an hour or so with shoulder stand + plough + laying on the back
when i got done and went to meet friends for lunch I had so much positive energy just soaring out of the plexus, i was surprised!

truly meditation would be a lot smoother if I were regularly practicing hatha, however,
I find tai chi to quickly allow me to sit on the crown chakra in great stability with just a few forms,
the two combined together are very nice.

i thought about this thread today and wanted to bump it

my yoga class i have that is once a week, is all i’ve been practicing since october, and so there is not progress made, but when i do it, i always realize the benefit

it seems a very valuable thing to devote time to, to really get into it, like i used to be in college ,