You and a famous person...

Hi, if you ever met somebody famous and well known, i made this topic so you can post the pic if you want to! Simply upload the pic to the internet, then post it in this topic so we can all see who you’ve met! Unfortunately, i cannot lead by example, due to not meeting anyone famous for many years…

yay good idea HB, :cool_laugh: … unfortunately i don’t have such photos either :sad:

I wonder if this thread will become sticky?

Oh I’ve a few pics to post here…but I doubt anyone will know who the celebs are…well, maybe…I dunno :tongue:

*Remember, no big pictures, just links if possible :cool:

That’s right JR. Wait a second… JR? THOSE ARE MY INITIALS! GIVE EM BACK!

JR? Really?? :cool_laugh:
What do your JR initials stand for, if I may ask?

Jason Roddam. According to someone in my english class, i’m Josan Reldebrant. But it’s the first one.

Awesome. Josh Redstone just happens to be my real name (no fake internet alias’ here :cool: )

Hebrew isnt a net alias. Its my real life nickname…


We just don’t have any yet…

Moogle’s right, I’ll go find some of those pictures :smile:

Good man.

I met Liv Kristine (and a few of the other band memebers) from my favorite band, Leaves’ Eyes. (I doubt anyone’s heard of them though :neutral: )

But I thought I would post a picture I took from the concert anyways! I also have a picture with me and her, but umm that one is hideous so i’ll just post this one. :grin: … ics728.jpg

I met Timmy Mallet once. i hardly remember him. I was about 5. No pictures though.

Ness, Liv Kristine is a norwegian name! Is the band norwegian too? I have never heard about them…

I don’t have any pictures. We get the occasional football player or artist in the flower shop, but it would be weird to ask for autographs or pictures at work :tongue:

I met many famous people, had photo’s of them too… only no one knows who they are on ld4all, so… not so very famous ><

Yes the band is norwegian! They’re really good, they have very unique music! Liv Kristine’s voice is SO amazing! :content:

I met some famous person, one of them was Sharon, the singer of Within Temptation. But I don’t have photo’s on this compuer and besides that. I’m also on that pic.

BlackAngel, that’s so cool that you got to meet Sharon! I love Within Temptation!

If you like Within Temptation you might like Leaves’ eyes too, their styles are kind of similar.