You can summon anyone?

So in a lucid dream you have the ability to summon anyone you want. Say for example a character from a TV show/ Movie and they will act the same?

If you have knowledge and experience then yes, you can summon anybody.

How will they act, well that’s completely another story. I would say unpredictable. And that literally means unpredictable. They might act as they act in the movie/TV show, or they might pick up some of yours characteristic lines and so on, like I said outcome is unpredictable.

I think it depends on the dream, sometimes I can get them to act the way they usually do/how I want, but other times they do their own thing.

My 3rd lucid dream I asked to speak to Oprah and she did appear… however, she was in a rush so I walked with her trying to ask her questions (which I’m not sure I had a chance to ask because a man came over looking for his missing son… I then reentered my dream forgetting I was just lucid and went on a long search for the man’s son, who I found and had to protect from a shooter) :cry: :cry: :cry: