I’ve never heard that said about remember dreams, but most people will tell you that it does increase the chance of having a lucid dream.
I do have to agree though. I find the most memorable dreams are the ones that are happening at about the same time as I’m supposed to be getting ready for work
Is it just that you havn’t had much sleep after them that you seem to remember them better?
Hey you guys are lucky…I tried to wake up (alarm) at 4:50 and then at 5:50 but what happens is I don’t fall back asleep and I end up rolling all over the bed till 9!!! I also wake up very tired. Falling asleep is always a challenge for me, and the only way I can fall asleep is by losing track of where I am, so if I’m doing WILD I won’t ever fall asleep no matter what! I need a new strategy!!!
I’ve had similar problems in trying the WILD method. In my experiences, the only way I can even come close to using it successfully (bear in mind I haven’t been successful with it) is when I’m so tired I can hardly hold my eyes open to begin with. The limited success I’ve had has came from the DILD and MILD methods. When trying to go to sleep, I say my mantra (I’m going to have a LD, and I’m going to write it down AS SOON AS I WAKE UP…) a few times then go on off to sleep. For me, thinking about lucidity as much as possible all day long from the time I wake up until bedtime has seemed to help me out quite a bit (Thanks to Atheist for helping me out there ). Don’t obsess about it, mind you, but try to set aside time to do a little reading on the subject, or even have conversations with people about it. Obsessing, for me anyways, brought along the dreaded mental block that it took me months to overcome. Don’t forget your RCs too. Find one that works for you and stick with it religiously.
It sounds like you have something of a sleeping disorder. Unfortunately, this could cause something of a problem for obtaining lucidity in dreams.
However, there are more methods than WILD that you could still use. Granted, a lot of them require you to maintain the intent to LD as you go to sleep, but with enough practise during the day you may still be able to use something like MILD.