I´ve been wondering, what the heck happened in the morning.
I woke up at about 10:00. Then I started to have short dreams. When I woke up from one, I decided to try WILD. I relaxed and saw things like my eyes would have been open. Then I entered the dream when I could feel my body. I woke up over and over again, and each time the LD was more fragile. At one point something very strange happened:
With the upper part of my sight i could see the real world, but in lower part I still saw my dream! How is this possible? Has someghing like this happened to you?
Thats pretty sary xD
The only thing between RL and LD was once when I thought I was teleporting,
but it failed and I saw my bedroom shifting into the LD and I woke up
I have had similar experiences with half open eyes in sleep paralysis. It was a little disturbing the first time it happened, i was around 10. Now i know that half sleep never lasts forever, and that it is normal to see strange things when we sleep very lightly.
I had an experience very, very much like this. Half of the world was a dream, the other half was my room early in the morning. I’m fairly sure they are actually both dreams but the fact that you’re half awake makes your mind unable to decide whether you should be in the dream world or reality, so it tries to make both.
Funny thing is, right before I woke up the image of being in my room entirely took over and I ran around cleaning up things that were being thrown in the other dreamscape, but somehow managed to make it to the dream version of my room.
It felt really weird upon waking up.
I’ve had something like that happen a few times. Sometimes I can be far enough out of the dream to open my eyes, but still far enough in for the dream to stay. When that happens, it’s almost like I have two distinct fields of vision. My brain can only pick one or the other to watch, though, and if I pay attention to my regular vision too long, the dream will slip away. Usually I just shut my eyes and go back to dreaming though.
I awoke from a dream and could see the real world, but I could still feel myself standing up in the dream world. When I tried to move, I felt my dream body move but my real body ramained stationary.
Why so sure about what somebody else have seen? I have seen the real bedroom through half open eyes several times, while waking up. It has been half sleep, but not a false awakening. What Stricken describes is more a typical false awakening. Sometimes, dream images can carry on a few seconds even after we open the eyes and wake up, this is called hypnopompic hallucinations.
Seeing through your eyelids, eh? Sounds familiar, I ran through the topic while researching OBEs. Robert Bruce mentioned it in his book Astral Dynamics. A run through the glossary brought me to these points:
…but that was a neat twist you experienced there! I’ve yet to experience real time sight myself, although I thought it was happening to me during a confusing SP/dream/OBE prelude that I have written in my DJ a while back.