Young People and LD

I just found this site a couple days ago and i think its great. I still havent had an LD but im hopeful i will before too long. This site has had some great advice on how to get started and im very glad the forum is finally back up.

Theres definately something wrong with our society. When will people learn that people that are “insane” may have a bit more sanity then the rest of us…sighs…they’re the ones that have different views on things. sighs Oh well not much you can do about it. People should at least be a bit more accepting of ideas that arent considered normal. Just a little more open mindedness about things like LD’s would do us all a lot of good.

Hm…I think I’ve convenientally forgotten to tell anyone anything about my current project. :content:
I’ve had one kind-of-sort-of LD…then lost it pretty quick. :confused:
Anyway, I always just thought adults were a li’l more stuck in their ways and not as open-minded…
I didn’t even really know you could until a while ago, but it seems perfectly rational to me…Many people have done it, after all.
Hurrah for LDs!

i think its cause most adults arent open minded and because they “don’t dream anymore” and have forgotten the value of them.

Erm, I feel that perhaps I am am a bit older than most of you, and also a parent myself. As with most parents, I intend not to be like mine!! I do disucss my dreams with my six-year-old and she has managed to have a lucid dream very easily. :content:

I came to this forum when it started in its current format and taught myself to Lucid dream. It took about six months between my first and second LDs, but they have been flowing pretty easilyish since then.
I have always tried to keep an open mind and I am an avid reader of fiction (which I think helps a lot).
I am also in a learning environment - programming - where I am learning new stuff all the time.

So I may be more than double the age of some contributors here (sounds really bad when I put it like that :eek: ), but that is only my body - not my mind :content:

Like most people have been saying, children’s minds are not yet distorted by the logical western way of thinking. As we become older we think of what, when we were children, was amazing and weird to us as becoming mundane and ordinary. The mind narrows as things are shown to us over and over again. Just because we have never seen something before, it doesn’t mean it is impossible.

I have recently been reading The Meditators Handbook by David Fontana (anybody else read it?) in which he says that to open our minds we must regain the endless imagination we all had as children, relearn the openmindedness that we have forgoten over the years.

This book has helped me to be more open about religions, life and death etc. and also that all the stuff I thought was occultist BS is becoming more and more believable to me.

The book also says that in shamanistic traditions an apprentice would be initiated before puberty so that (s)he still has an open mind about life. No wonder children are better LDers, their minds have not been moulded by society and new things are “exciting” and not “scary” / “work of the devil” or whatever.

As for parents, my mum is one of the most openminded adults I know. I have talked to her about LDing and she has said that she can LD sometimes too. :cool: The word DUUUUUDE springs to mind

P.S. Sleepyhead, that is so cool that you have taught your daughter to LD already!! Hopefully she will keep her open mind as she grows up.

WHOO! go lucid dreaming! this forum rocks! :alien:

I don’t think age has much to to with it. I’m only 14 and I’ve been trying for LD’s for about 3 weeks and so far I haven’t had anything!

I think it’s down more to what techniques you use, or simply how good you are naturally at lucid dreaming. Although I think maybe adults might have a harder time if they’re trying to learn to become lucid and stuff because if they’ve not attempted dream recall in a long time, so remembering dreams may be harder for them! Although I suppose if they kept at it they’d be just as good as everybody else :content:

Still, just an idea :tongue:

Hey Sleepyhead, let me congratulate you for giving your child the best gift a parent can give- lucid dreaming!!
I’ll bet she’ll be better off than most people in life. Lucid dreaming is really good for little kids especially if they want to play with realistic Barbies… anyway keep on encouraging her and give her a little pat on the head from me :smile:

:content: Thankyou.

You guys are quoting times of weeks and days . My first journal entry is dated 24th March this year.Thats six months.See sig

My mom cant even hold a mouse right :razz: she holds it sideways :wink:

My dad just gets on and plays like 2000 solitaire games…talk about NOTHING to do for them. It seems they could care less if I was talking to CHILD MOLESTERS online :sad: rofl

Anyways - I overthink it I think and always drift off into something else or try to hard and it goes right over my head ;\ Kind of annoying. I am 13 too however, and have gotten decent results (most vivid dream ever.) So that’s a good sign I suppose, and I will keep trying until I can get a lucid dream so it will become easier. Wow - anyone else have this hard getting a lucid dream? Well, since I’ve only been trying for 9-10 days, probably a lot. :smile:

Ack, lucid dreams don’t come easy. Since I started trying to get LDs in the end of July, I’ve only had six maybe.

Just keep trying, and maybe try reading about lucid dreams before going to bed. You can print out a lucidity FAQ or something from the computer and keep it in your room somewhere and read before you go to sleep… It gets your mind on LDs.

It’ll come eventually :content:


I know, I can’t get too excited and try to force it into me, I will be waiting when it comes, and I’ll influence it in the meantime :wink:

My parents have been well-aquianted with the abnormal. They’ve had physics help them sovle murders (at the crime lab) and my mom can naturall LD and OBE(she didn’t know until I told her though). Plus My mom’s family were really into dreams, they even had a 50+ year old dream dictionary!(although it’s for gambling purposes mainly).

The main problem my parents had was that when spoken, the concept of LD sounds like crazy speak! They thought I may lose my mind. They even took my dream diary away, then two days later, talked to a acredited phsycologist who blasted my parents for denying me perfectly safe LDs and explained how OBEs can be used for healing purposes. I had a huge grin across my face when they gave me back my dream diary :cool:

If you really want to prove LDs are not crazy speak to your parents, go get a book about the human mind it’s self and has something on LDs. I got one book and showed it to my psyhcologist. After reading it and finding out it was a timelife book, she decided to research the subject. The first meeting I explained LDs to her, she said she would never get around to going to a library to read about LDs or even visit a website. Now she’s probaly gonna incorperate it into her work, which was at the expense of me spending two hours explaining LDs as opposed to getting to the root of my problems. :confused:

I don’t think age matters very much, but jobs or school can affect your LDing. If you have to get up at 6:00 AM almost every morning with only one or two days to get the amount of rest you need, it can be a problem lucid dreaming-wise.

As for this separate discussion going on, I don’t think my parents care that I LD. I’m not even sure if my dad knows I do, but my mom does and she is fine with it. My brother seems to think that astral projections are really bad and are practiced by satan worshippers (I forget the group that he mentioned). I think “Astral Projections” are just dreams. One of my brothers’ friends has, somewhat recently, talked about being “half awake” in the sense that he imagines things that aren’t really there and he’s not able to move sometimes after he wakes up. This was brought up to the mother of a friend of theirs who used to do weird things like control small objects with her mind as a kid----this sounds like crap to me, of course, but she doesn’t seem like the kind of person that would lie----, and she said that it (not being able to move) was a type of seizure. However, after hearing this I informed him that it was sleep paralysis and explained that it’s a normal phase of sleep and I had experienced it too. He took my word over her’s :grin:

My brother thinks that to, well he doesn’t think it’s satatnist but he sure is scared of it and doesn’t like talking about it.

A few weeks ago I told my brother about LDs… He got really interested and started working on his dream recall…

I’m not sure if he’s still going with it. He hasn’t talked about it lately, but he did read a lot about them on the internet back then…
