Your dream theme?

Hey, I had my first real LD couple of days ago, without trying really… think it was because I read in a science magazine about gamers being good “LDers” because they control another world (like world of warcraft) anyhow, I started writing down my dreams after that because it was so cool! (haven’t had a LD since) and I keep noticing me being back on my old school where I went 4 years ago in my normal dreams. What does this mean? Nothing special happened there, just learned and made friends (IRL) and in the dreams, the dreams just happens there nothing school related yet, but I’m still curious why there?

I have so many dreams all the time that are about time travel. It varies what happens in my time travel dreams but for so many years that dream theme has been recurring. Last night I had a dream where me and my friends discovered how to travel through time. In the dream we were able to go back through time and then return to the present with our younger bodies that we had at the time we traveled to. So if you decided to travel 3 years back when you’re 17 years old, then return to the present, you would be 14 years old. We became famous for this breakthrough in science that everyone thought was impossible because this was the answer to the idea of living forever.

Back to school, a good bit of my dreams are there once more. That and home.

So are you saying that most of your dreams are boring? Because that’s everyday life stuff, we get enough of that when we’re awake! I’m sorry about that… :neutral: