Your Favorite Reality Check

alright folks lets hear your personal favorite reality check.

asking, “How did I get here?”

Hand through a wall, easiest to do.

Stretching my finger. But I have to change, it doesn’t work no more.

Looking at my hands and counting my fingers. I think it’s worked every time so far :cool:

Trying to draw a circle in the air, or if I’m in a public place, looking at a bright light and see if I have to blink.

grab nose

Sqeezing my nose and checking can i breath the air, or not.

and how do you time yourself or make sure your doing it regularly. i thought the easiest would be to get a digital watch with a timer and every time it beeps think … but i dont have a digital watch. but i was thinking because you could do it a lot and if you put it by your bed, if you heard the slight beeping it might help

problem with that watch thing is when im at school…they dont like beeping things such as watches/cell phones and they take them up. :-/

Anyways…my favy methods are:

  1. Holding Nose
  2. Looking at Watch [Numbers]
  3. Try and move something with mind
  4. Stick hand through wall
  5. Pinch myself

As for timing yourself…ive found out that saying
“Whenever I see _______ I will do a reality check” So, say like whenver I walk through a doorway, I will do a RC. So your at school or work and you walk through a doorway and you do a reality check. The best way is to find something in your dreams that relate to each other and to real life. Such as, if you climb stairs in all of your dreams, have yourself in both Real Life and Dreams do a RC whenever you go up stairs. That make sense?

Well yeah…those are my ways :smile:

yes thanks a lot for the input

My most used RC would have to be ‘getting out of bed’… I can never will myself to get up easily in real life.

My most successful would have to be Counting Fingers.

As for timing, whenever the word ‘odd’ goes through my head I’ll RC, as in a dream there is always something that doesn’t quite make sense, making me think ‘that’s odd…’

The light switch! And the lights. Everytime I see a light switch. “Hmmm, am I dreaming?” I go and flick the switch while looking at the lights to see if the lights cooperate.

The Light switch!


Plugging Nose and seeieng if i can breath.
Also asking “how did I get here” often induces lucidity.

im in school most of the day i feel kinda weird doing most of this stuff. oh well

Looking at your hands is not so weird. And what is wonderful is that you always have your hands with you… :grin:
Most of time, in a dream, they are very odd looking.

i wonder what the most effective RC is…scientificly

I don’t know if we are enough to open a poll which could give good results.
Moreover, there are a lot of techniques, and some of them are used just by one LDer, like Siiw’s circle.

There is no most effective RC scientifically. There’s placebo effect messing everything up, and lots of luck, and people generally don’t try every RC, and outside influences like sleep time and how much you’re thinking about LDs, and aso on, and forth so. :smile:

I must check out sieve’s circle. :smile:

r3m0t: Just don’t try to draw a big circle in the air at work, when a famous football player walks into your work place! :cool: