your friends/family

have you ever tried to “learn” your friends or family members lucid dreaming ?

I’d really like to help my girlfriend,parents, nearest friends (or anyone else, I care about) to overcome their problems etc. in the future.

But first things first - I have to wait for my own experiences (2 weeks of practicing,1 very low LD) there’s no doubt, I can achive more :smile:

I’ve tried telling my friends about lucid dreaming. But it seems that only the ones that have LDs naturally are interested in learning more about it :cool: The other people I’ve told just seem to think it’s boring or not that interesting :sad:

i think its really good to tell others about lucid dreaming,

although be prepared for criticism, depending on who u speak to.

i cant tell any friends/family about my lucidness or anything further than waking life stuff, because noone i know understands, and thinks im making it stuff up or am just in my own world.


I bring up the topic for almost everyone who I know well.
Including parents, friends, even rarely seen relatives.
They become more and more open and I think that when I can LD every night and if they see some benefits(for example learning) they will be more interested.
I is hard to tell them about it and convince how fun it is when I had so few LD.

A lot of were skeptic finally they at least believed that lucid dreaming is a real possibility and not an occult-fantasy sci-fi like idea.
I don’t know why it is so hard to believe that one can be consicous in a dream and know that he is dreaming.
They gazed at me like if I tried to suggest them to walk through a wall.
And the remainig people stopped showing interest when I mentioned some techniques(dream diary, reality checks,MILD …).
The concept of DD was the most “frigthening” for them. Especially when I mentioned that somebody can analyse his dream diary and find his dream signs and learn them.
Btw I don’t(or rarely) use DD as well. But probably I should :smile:.

I’v told 3 of my friends, the first two said they were really interested then just slacked off… after the first night. The other one posts here :smile: he’s Sshore