Hi everyone =] First post here, I hope I’m posting in the right place!
I have been reading about lucid dreaming for quite a while and practicing learning how to for just as long. I’ve only had one short lucid dream, however, but I think about it often.
It has made me wonder about making memories during dreams, since the clarity of my dream when I woke up wasn’t so great.
You know how… in real life you make memories as you go, and they are constantly being made? Well, from my experiences, when I dream, the memory is made after you wake up.
Is there any way at all to make memories of your dream while in your dream, to make it more real and clear to you when you wake up? Or is the only way to make a memory of the dream remembering it after you wake up?
I would really appreciate some feedback on this topic =] Thank you!
As for dream memories, I’ve always assumed this has to do with the way memories are stored while you’re conscious. Your memory tends to be much better if you’re conscious while the events are occurring, which suggests that your subconscious isn’t all that great at storing memories with the absence of conscious thought to properly assess and order them. After you’ve had a few more LDs you’ll notice that you can remember them much, much more clearly than regular dreams.
I don’t think that you just suddenly remember your dreams when you wake up, it just seems like that since you normally aren’t concious, i.e. you’re not conciously remembering it. But if you have a LD, then you definitely remember it in just the same way that you remember things normally. But the more you start remembering your dreams and the more you notice the more clear they become, its a gradual thing.
If you think about dreams as soon as you wake up, and systematically try to remember each bit, then you’ll be able to remember them a lot clearer. The reason is that dreams usually only leave short-term memories, but if you think about them while they are still fresh in your mind, then it transfers them to long-term memory.