Every time I finally have an LD (they’ve all been accidental, btw) I can’t use LD powers >.< I’ve only used them two or three times, and I’ve had to be REALLY in to it to get them to work. I was thinking of (next time) carving/drawing magical symbols into/onto things, but that might get a little annoying after a while. What are some things you do to activate LD powers? (i.e. flying, shooting energy, acrobatics, etc…) Any ideas that might work for me?
Out of curiosity how lucid are you, if you are really lucid and understand totally that it is a dream then all you have to do is belive that you can.
For me I don’t do anything to activate powers I just use them but i have a good deal of LD experience. Its just a matter of beleif that i can do it.
Hopefully others will have better advice to help you.
I was totally lucid and I ABSOLUTELY belived I could, but it just… didn’t happen
No matter how hard I try/calm I am (I’ve tried both) it doesn’t work. The one or two times I ever DID fly it was at an EXTREMELY slow speed (like…2 mph.)
I once had hell good telekenisis. It was really easy to use, I think you just need to REALLY believe your in a dream and know anything is possible. Also, you could try conjuring up and help tool. eg. for telekenisis, you could pull a lifting remote control device out of your pocket and use it. It will help to convince yourself of your power…
- Peace
Well, I don’t think this is usefull, but: just do it… I’m capable of doing anything, untill I start thinking about it
I agree with Fadem, the best approach to using dream powers is to ‘just do it’, the same way you would speak or move an arm or a leg. Don’t think about it, just do it
I know you said that you completely believed that you could use your powers, but are you sure you weren’t becoming frustrated?. The times when I haven’t been able to use mine is when I become convinced that my powers won’t work and I become more and more frustrated that I can’t do anything. If I repeat to myself out loud that it is a dream and I can do anything I want to, I usually regain my powers.
I never have any motivation in a dream to ever want to use any powers, I always know it is a dream, but it just doesn’t seem like worth doing. meeting people and having strange conversations is better I like and smoking weed is my favourite. I suppose I do use a power in the sense I make it appear in front of me if it is not there before.
I had problems using powers in my LDs as well. In my most vivid LD yet, I tried to grow wings but failed. Nothing happened at all. I gave up on flying for the time (I’d already flown w/o wings in that dream) and tried climbing instead, by trying to make my hands sticky. It kind of worked, but they didn’t stick enough to support my weight, so I tried to pop suction pads out of my palms. A “bubble” formed on each palm which burst open to allow the pad to get out, but one of them was still half stuck in the hand and I had to pull it out with the other. Now finally I was able to climb the wall.
So every time I tried using some magic power, either nothing happened at all or the result was somehow “incomplete”. I hope it’ll improve with practice.
Yes, just have no doubts that you’re in a dream and don’t even think about it just do it and act like it was nothing compared to what you can do.
You mentioned that when flying you went extremly slow. How were you trying to fly…like what were your thoughts?
EX: When I fly I feel as is there is a powerful force like rocket jets pushing off my feet.
Well… the first time I tried to fly I actually successfully grew wings (see my LD journal, if you can find it…) and flew for a bit. That was ok…
The other times I flew I imagined becoming weightless and soaring upwards, but then I slowly drifted back down after I rose like 5 feet from the ground…
Has anybody here ever played Mario 64 (DS or N64?) It’s like when your flight runs out and you slowly drift onto your chest and slide… It’s so annoying >.< I arch my back to try to fly higher and I just lightly hit the ground.
I can’t say I’ve had many lucid dreams to compare, but personally I’ve had no trouble with flying or time travel, and I believe this is because I’ve done both so often in my normal dreams that I’m used to it. Other things are more difficult, but the things I attempted all worked (to some extent, anyway) with persistence. I think that’s the key - keep trying to reach your goal, and if one method doesn’t look like working, think of the next best and try that instead. Don’t give up.
the way I do stuff is I think about it and make myself believe I can