Youtube video claims to induce OOBE and lucid dreams.

Try the MP3 format only. I burned it to a CD doing that.

Done. Climbed into bed hit the lights and listened. Nothing. I wasn’t tired at all though perhaps thats why. When I listened to it at the computer earlier I felt a little weird, but nothing when I was in bed. Ill try it again later on

No music can make you AP.

What it can do is help you to clear your mind, this serves that purpose. Effectively it is like listening to white noise, it is meant to just help you relax and allow yourself to get into the frame of mind to AP.

Although I haven’t decided whether this is more annoying than white noise. My first thought while listening to it was: I don’t know about AP, I think this is more likely to induce an alien abduction dream.


I may give it a try later when I know I don’t have to go out in like 15minutes, if it works I will rip my own MP3 version so I can chose the bit-rate.

Certainly made me feel weird, but I couldn’t concentrate on it at all. Frankly, the recording started to scare the hell outta me when I listened to it in bed. The “sweeping” background sound creeped me out, and it was topped off by the staticy sound that gradually gets louder then dies down again. I guess it just put creepy images into my head.

If your interested, certainly give it a try. Really though this probably won’t do anything other than help you clear your mind.(though it did quite the opposite to me)

The guy still hasn’t emailed me the original .mp3. :sad:

Wow, I listened to this and didn’t have high hopes at all. I went to bed that night and sure enough ended a 5 month dryspell with a vivid lucid dream. Gonna try this again tonight. Probably was just luck. :cool:

I’ll try it in just a second… Gotta plug my headphones in.

Well it’s pretty cool, it made me feel really relaxed. And it was like during the afternoon, so i can’t wait to try this before going to sleep )

I do have headphones … but my computer isn’t that close to my bed. And I need the .mp3 to put into my iPod or burn it onto a disc so I can listen it in bed at night.

Very relaxing, but it didn’t really have any effect on me.

Everyone says it didn’t have an effect on them… maybe this was just placebo + hypnosis practice but I had a fairly strong effect. My body did the thing where it feels like it really isn’t there, as I listened to it in bed. Pretty cool, actually.

Wait, i actually was in the state, where i could have actually had an OBE, but i was kinda afraid and was concentrating too hard on the HI.

I was alone, in pitch black sitting in my chair, the noises towards the were actually pretty creepy…

Just to inform you guys, he still hasn’t sent the .mp3, so I’m just going to assume he won’t.

Oh and he posted up another video. This one is specific to lucid dreaming.

That video has horrible sound quality so I don’t think I’ll be using it.

anyone has mp3 yet???