90% guaranteed lucidity !

This, for me at least, is so much more effective after a LD (specially a premature awakening), specially because it’s easier to not move. The other day I had 100% success with this after waking up in my LD several times. I simply stayed still, said my MILD mantra once and emptied my mind. In less than 10-15 seconds I was back in the dream :content:

Not moving after a ND get’s easier with practice. Some auto-suggestion before going to sleep, to remind you not to move, can help a lot. I tried this for some time in the past and now every now and then I wake up without moving, for no reason at all. Most of the time I’m laying on my arm or in a bad position so it’s hard to remain still…

:smile: truth, that is easy ,

what i am talking about can be hard only because if the mind falls asleep, you can be in an ND instead of LD, or just be sleeping.

like, "hmm do i REALLY want to try to do this ? i am so sleeepy i will just go back to sleep "

not moving the body lets the mind wake up and notice the bodies desire to roll over, and SP is married to the roll over signal,

you have to be able to think, count, focus, remember,
you can’t be in the state where thinking is not possible, with the mind asleep, (delta ? theta ?) , this is why if you roll over and you are very groggy you NEED TO WAKE THE MIND UP

such as opening your eyes for a while and looking around the room, you can get up and walk around, its supposed to be (and is) intuitive.

the goal is to find the right place and its easy to find it at least once a night if you are vigilant * against the roll over signal. [b]**[/b]

if you roll over too much you will somehow be in an ND , it is mysterious, but if you keep the mind awake somewhere in the chain of movements, and refuse to move the body, you can often find lucidity,

i found slightly holding the breath at my exhale would throw my body into relaxation, i read this on lucidology101. com

i’ve felt very giddy euphoria in this state too,

this technique sounds really good and easier than WILD. :smile: I’d like to give it a try, however I fear that I will face the same problem as in WILD: the balance between too awake - too “loose”. If I stay very alerted, I wont get back to sleep stages and SP until I lower my alertness and let my mind scatter, but usually when I do that I fall into a ND. Trying to adjust between too loose and too awake (with HILD) made me lose many weeks of fruitless efforts. :neutral:

Welcome Further :wave: you might want to introduce yourself properly in the BIG “Hi, I’m new here” topic :smile:

I’ve always tried to chain after a lucid awakening (the ones where you know you were dreaming at the end of it) but always managed to fail, maybe I’m a little too impatient, since I let go after 30 secs or so :tongue: I shall definitely try more, it’s such a freebie for inducing lucidity :colgate:

Hello tosxychor :smile:

Thank you for welcoming me. Actually I am a member since 2007 but I took a 2 year off ( and I regret it! ) and my old account must have gotten inactive - or I dont remember it.

So back to the point. My experience with techniques that you jump right into the dream have never worked for me and I have spend reasonable time trying. We must be facing the same problem, that we let go after a while as we lower our alertness in order to let body sleep, or we get too excited and we dont sleep at all :happy: . Some people must be very patient and calm while they experience HI --> SP --> LD. So this actual technique must be promising because you jump into SP fast, but it still has the alertness problem and the “dont roll-over when you wake from a dream”.

im thinking about this method

what i did today was in the mornin gi was not tired, but wanted to dream a lot

and i couldn’t seem to find the sleep state

so i started to imagine i was looking at my room, and i’d try to keep the pace of looking fast, as in, that i was constantly imagining something new, like looking through closets and drawers and going up and down stairs, and after a while this imagination put me into a trance state and i fell asleep and did lucid dream

funny i woke up and said, man i haven’t dreamed at all, but then i thought about it and remembered a long LD i had

what i am after is the freshness of BEING LUCID RIGHT NOW AND KNOWING YOU ARE, and choosing to BE IN THE DREAM


and visualization is the key here, strong visualization = lucidity , but unlike a WILD we are already close to the dream state during these brief “wake up, roll over, fall asleep” states, and NOT ROLLING OVER wakes up the mind, but the mind needs to work on WILD at this point, or MILD, or any form of induction,


must must must must

in any way, enough that you can think and visualize and pretend, in essence every roll over signal seems to be a mini - WBTB

so you will know if you are close to dreaming or if you are sleeping, if you are sleeping its okay to lose consciousness for a while, roll over A FEW TIMES but at some point when you get a roll over signal , YOU MUST ALERT YOUR MIND AND KEEP IT FRESH :happy:

for instance * sleeping * waking *rolling over * = no dreams yet
X 4,
and somewhere around X 4 , REM comes along and sneaks up on us, our mind is very subdued and passive, and so, this is why, the roll over signal is a gateway to dreaming every time, but only when you are naturally near REM, and to go over you need to be vigilant.

Does this make sense?

It does,
thanks a bunch. :happy: I’m definitely trying some tonight.

Nice idea.

But the problem is I have to shut my alarm down manually.That or it will ring forever.
Unless I wake up spontaneously and I do many times.

Anyway, I’m gonna try that sooner or later.

Hraesvelg, I think you are supposed to wake up spontaneously and not by an alarm clock !

I saw someone mention an alarm clock.

But don’t worry, I already solved it, but I just didn’t post it here.

Autosuggestions/mantras !

That is an excellent sollution indeed :wink: Good luck with it!

And welcome (back) Further :smile:

Or, you can set an automatic clock, that rings for a few seconds than stops by itself.
Here’s a link for one -
download.cnet.com/Easy-MP3-Alarm … 6.html?tag =mncol

I took a break from WBTB and tonight as I woke up from a dream I tried this. However because I moved, I cleared my mind first and felt really awake. However, it felt just like WILD to me. I lost consciousness quite fast , a bit after the first HI. Fine tuning the alertness and how awake you want to be while you let your body sleep is too difficult. :sad:

Thanks for welcoming me :happy:

if you lost conscious without rolling over then it is NOT LIKELY to dream,

dreams come after the roll - over signal, most of the time,

HH can happen in NREM sleep where dreams are not possible , not leading to an experience of OBE

Does it count as rolling over when you turn off the alarm when you wake up? Because I could never wake up in the middle of the night without an alarm.

I got sleep paralysis twice so far with this method, so yeah, it does seem pretty effective. But uh, whenever I get to sleep paralysis itself, I mess something up :shy: .

Like… I tried to move as if it was a dream once I got into sleep paralysis, and I did move (the upper half of my body), but then I also thought I wasn’t in a dream at the same time, so I went to lay back down until the sleep paralysis was stronger, and it went to end. I remembered that Sleep Paralysis is supposed to completely stop you from moving, so I think I actually did get into a dream without realizing it…

Unless it is possible to move in the early beginning of sp, I really… moved fast and sudden, I don’t think I was awake. :sad:

That’s just my own epic fail though, the technique otherwise works very well it appears if you do it right past the not moving…

This works great and is really easy! Last night I remembered not to move, and went into sleep paralysis. After all the loud rushing noises quited down, I rolled out of bed. I was in a lucid dream! This technique definitely works well for me, and I’ll be doing this a lot from now on.

that is fine,

it turns into a WBTB

i am going to push through and learn about all there is to know today,

( i think WBTB after 3 hours of sleep would work very well. )

there is a period of sleep which has no dreaming activity, and this is the first hour or two or three for me

to be truly vigilant will guarantee success, and exploration,

i find that when i do this i am usually compelled to roll over at some point, having slept a long while,
today i did clearly have a high quality LD from it in the morning, though, but the point is lucidity forever!

Sorry but I’m not really understanding what happens.

When you go into sleep paralysis, how does this bring you into a lucid dream?

You guys can obviously see I’m new here :tongue:

hi mcdiddydoo and welcome :wave:

Before you enter a dream (be it lucid or not) your body has to fall asleep (sleep paralysis) otherwise any movement in your dream would move your physical body and wake you up.

So when you try to enter a lucid dream without losing consciousness (WILD) you have to go through SP. Sometimes (and/or some people) the SP isn’t felt. although it’s still there.

In other words, getting to SP without letting your mind fall asleep is a good sign and means your close! :smile: