Hi. I’m looking for a program that will play an audio file on my computer at a specific time during the night. I’m planing to use it for things like the LaBerge interview and things to say, “you are dreaming!” in the middle of the night to induce lucidity. I tried some searching but can’t find anything. Does anyone know of anything which sounds like what I’m describing? It would be really useful to me if you did. Thanks.
I have something for you bluefive.pair.com/
There’s a program there that plays a sound file at a specific time and it can even play mp3s Just press Programs in the side bar and download the program named alarm.
Thanks a lot JaRoD, that looks like exactly what I need. Many thanks.
if you use windows, then you could just set windows task scheduler to open a soundfile at a certain time. No need for extra programs
It’s surprising how many people over look the simple things
Personally i use my sterio, it’s quieter isn’t too loud when it starts up. Whereas the PC is noisy and hard to get to sleep.
quartz did it work (i mean did you achieve lucidity?)
Would it not be easier to just burn it to a CD and hook you cd player up to a timer. (Just a thought)
Hook it up? Either you get a timer to press a button, you you open the box (killing any warantee) and fiddle around. It’s not very easy.
Nope. Didn’t even remember any dreams that night. I’m sure it will work eventually if I keep trying, so thanks again for the link JaRoD.
I can just plug mine into a timer and that will turn it on. I don’t have to open any thing up to do so.
Wow… how does that work? You plug the timer in somewhere? Never heard of it.
I would guess it’s the same kind of timers that’s used for aquariums. Ir fits between the plug and the…what’s the english word… and turns whatever is plugged into it on, on the right time!
Yes, there are timers you plug into a wall then you plug what ever device you want into the timer. You can get them at any K-mart or wall-mart. I have seen them at radio shack as well though they are a bit pricy.
cheers for that link JaRod…