A few RCILD myths

I did a quick search and was very surprised to see we had no post of this sort. We have a few theories and several posts on RC’s in general, but not of RCILD. The reason I’m posting this is because of the vast amounts of confusion I see with this tech when it really should be simple.

Myth 1: You should try to set up certain times a day to do RC’s, like twice an hour or every time you [insert action here]. It may help to set an alarm on your watch or phone.
Fact: Don’t limit yourself to doing RC’s on a schedule unless that schedule is twice a minute :tongue:. In order to make it a habit, you must be doing them as often as possible. As far as the action goes, that is also not very advisable. There is only a very small chance you will do these actions (knowingly) in a dream. The alarms have the same problem; you’re training yourself to RC by your alarm, which I doubt you’ll hear in your dream. In general, do RC’s as many times a day as possible, anytime and every time you think of it. To have a successful RCILD, RC’s must be a habit.

Myth 2: You should train yourself to do RC’s anytime you see something unusual.
Fact: I don’t have any issues with doing RC’s when you see something unusual. The problem is that in a dream, you will not notice anything is amiss. Again, if you wait for strange events, you will be limiting yourself and not really building up the habit. The biggest benefit of unusual moments is to get you to doubt reality, which is the key to building up the RC habit.

Myth 3: Don’t bother doing an RC when you see something unusual as you will not recognize "unusual in a dream.
Fact: Although this sounds reasonable, it has a fatal flaw. You’re limiting yourself, but in the other direction from myth 2. Do RC’s whenever possible!

Myth 4: Just doing the action of an RC is enough, because it will build up the habit.
Fact: No. Just no. You must doubt reality EVERY SINGLE TIME you do an RC. If doubt isn’t a part of your habit, you’ve been wasting your time. After all, you’re most likely to be dreaming when you least expect it.

In summary: Do RC’s as often as possible to build the habit. Don’t limit yourself to a schedule, action or event. Above all, expect the RC to work, even if you’re 1000% sure that you are awake.

This is an easy technique, but powerful enough for beginners and experienced dreamers alike.

Very nice post, Rhewin, congratulations. :good:
The main point of RC’ing during the day, other than giving you a powerful tool to discern reality from dream, is indeed that of making you doubt reality in the first place: if you stay on guard for all occasions, you will be able to catch the dream even when it feels like reality, and you’ll do that RC that will make you lucid.

If you need something to make the practice of RC’ing a little more bearable, remember you are doing it for the time you will finally do it in a dream ^^ and remember what it feels like to be in one. Do you remember how sure you were back then that it was reality instead? And all kind of oddities were happening back then.
If it was a dream, right now, it would be much harder to spot, wouldn’t it? Since it’s all normal and stuff. Or is it? :anx: Would you catch this dream?
:lol: Now that I’ve put that worm in your ear, remember to doubt reality! You never know when it will be a dream instead!

And even if so, if it was really a dream, wouldn’t you go through life in another way? I’d sure be a lot happier, knowing that I’m the very protagonist of it, and aware, since I could miss out on so many things, just by passing by things, and not noticing. They would disappear after I’d had passed: there’s only the present to enjoy, and nothing else.

Do you really think you would miss that dream if you were in it?

Ah, I guess I did have a pretty good quiestion about RCs. Even though I did feel pretty stupid doing reality checks at the sound of a beep, who was I to argue with someone who claims to be an expert on the topic? Well I should have. Information is unreliable and I’m glad there are a group of rational minds on this site. Thanks for the post, very helpful and confirming.

Glad it helped :smile:. It was actually your post that made me think to write this. Idk how this misinfo gets out, especially since I’ve never run into it on the forum. It just frustrates me when I see newcomers caught up on schedules or posting RC signs up around their house. Anywho, keep up the constant RC’s and you should see results in a month or so. Faster if you pick up habits easily. Good luck :content:

Oh and thank you tosxy for your reality bending add-on. I’ve done at least 5 RC’s since reading it :tongue:

LDing has been tough lately. I’ve wondered what I’ve been missing for a while now, and I think this is it. :grin: I just hope I can remember often enough!

Actually, the first ‘myth’ is true… although not the way you worded it. You should do a reality check whenever you think about it, and whenever you have the urge to do it. However, some people might just forget about it. The point of a beeping watch is to remind you to do a reality check, not limit you. For me, I still do reality checks at the beep of my watch, but I also do them whenever I remember to, out of habit (which gets kind of anoying, because I remember like every minute :eh: ).

The beep of the watch is fine if it is a memory aid as you said; it doesn’t really mater what makes you RC as long as you do it as much as possible. but I was talking about when it is used as a schedule. I have seen a lot of beginners, even here on LD4all, that get confused and only do RC’s once they hear the beep.

I do RC’s as often as I can, I just wish I did it more often. Maybe I need to fill my head with more thoughts of lucid dreaming? I did about 10 RC’s whilst reading this thread, and I still can’t breathe when I pinch my nose or push my finger through my palm. I swear this must be a dream!


Does an RC

If you really want to get stuck in a endless loop of RC’s then here is somethign for you to consider. In dreams there are false memories; memories that our SC creates for us that can even include an entire lifetime of memories. Now, if you remember doing an RC 5 seconds ago, how do you know that it isn’t really a false memory of doing an RC that failed? Better do another one to make sure…

It’s almost as if you’re controlling my mind, you know full well you just made me RC again. :wink:

And yes I know about false memories. Maybe you didn’t really just type that.

Ah, between that and tosxy’s reply one could be stuck here for all eternity. Unless they are just dreaming in which case it’s only a matter of time until they do an RC for real. Speaking of which…

Well I’ve been doing this for a long time now (check my join date) and still no LD. I believe I can do it though, which is why I say I wish I RC’d more.

To be fair, if you schedule RCs at certain times of the day, then on the off chance that you dream about that time, you will do an RC.

Also, if you schedule many RCs, enough to make it a habit and enough to make you think about it often, you might end up dreaming about it.

Hey, we tend to dream about what we dwell on, no?

The problem (at least in my experience) lays in the fact that we don’t normally follow schedules in our dreams. Like said, if the schedule makes you think of doing RC’s more often then great. The last thing you want, however, is to let it become a robotic reaction to an alarm going off.

true. However, if you get that robotic reacion, then it will carry over into your dreams.

Yes you normally don’t follow schedules, but on the off chance that you end up within the schedule’s perameters, you -should- do an RC by habit.

That said, i feel it’s definitely better to do RCs by situation rather than time.

A common one (at least it used to be, not sure anymore) is doing an RC whenever you go through a doorway. This is something you do so often that the hope is you’ll have a higher chance of doing it in a dream.


Yes, but it is possible, that this robotic reaction doesn’t make you think about if you are dreaming or not! :smile:

In this point I have a question. Sometimes I have the feeling I notice I’m dreaming in a dream, but I’m not fully aware of this fact… so parts of me are part of the dreams as yet. Could it be that i doubt the realitiy not hard enough during RCs?

@Win Laik Pya: Yeah the doorways one is great. The point is that no matter what makes you do RC’s, you have to do them often and you have to question reality every time.

@teilnehemer: In general, if you are questioning whether the world is real or not when you do a reality check, it should show that the world is not real. The only time I’ve had an RC not work is when I was expecting it to not work. Of course, it is usually fixed when I follow up with a second or third tech.

I have tried the walking through a door RC however I never remember to do it. Even if I walked out the room now I forget.
It is quite fustrating.
14 rc’s so far while reading this thread.
hang on make that 15 now.