A new technique that hasn't failed me so far. I call it NILD

you can download a demo of CoD4, but it’s not that good… , CoD 1 was a good game.
if you play demo will your dreams be demo too?

Probably not. I’ve played CoD4 demo and it’s amazing! great graphics… and CoD1 isn’t as good as CoD2. Sucks that CoD3 didn’t come out for the PC.

i had CoD finest hour in a dream once.

not really sure why

Ok so i eat or drink some caffeine, then play my animal crossing or electroplankton then pray then sleep?

yes, but dont forget to MILD while playing and falling asleep

it worked for me AGAIN last night. that brings the count of whenever i do the exact same thing to 5/5 times. drinking caffeiene at 3:00, praying and then playing chibi robo park patrol for two hours from 11 PM to 1 AM while thinking about LD’ing calmly, and then sleeping doing a light MILD. it has not failed. some dreams have been better than others, of course, but i have always been lucid one way or another. so, i just got phoenix wright trials and tribulations and i have been waiting forever to play it. its a very mellow game and i got an LD from the FIRST phoenix wright as well, so i have no doubt it will work for me just as well as chibi robo did (in fact it will be even better because i like phoenix wright MUUUUUUCH more than i do chibi robo). i will test this time to see if other “mellow” games besides chibi robo work when this method is followed by the book. if so, i may experiment tommorow to see if its really caffeiene that’s been giving me the LD’s, because so far my LD’s have been DILD’s, and caffeiene is credited for making people more aware.

anyways, wish me luck people!

I’ll try this, I’ll play pokemon all night until my eyes bleed and then i’ll go to sleep i’ll have the most awesome Lucid dream dream ever. :plotting:

dont 4get caffeine!

ugh i feel left out…
i need to get a DS lite

id get one even if it made me get LD’s less. there are soooooooooooooo many good games for it.

BTW if you do get one, first three games you get are

phoenix wright
phoenix wright justice for all
phoenix wright trials and tribulations

best games ever! only mario world and NiGHTS beat them.

Gaming is good zombiing stuff, you have great chance to have related dream if you play before you go to bed, there is a wold to explore though, and gaming is just exploring the ideas of programmers and designers… and games ALWAYS CRUSH !!! especially when you saving… grrrr… :smile:

I don’t even have to think about caffeine, all I drink is cola, coffee, and tea :mrgreen:

Not to sound like an impatient housewife, but im expecting some results here!

So how has the technique worked for those who have tried it so far?

argh, i played phoenix wright last night and while i did have excellent recall i didn’t have an LD. looks like i have to stick with chibi robo to get one, which sucks because i love phoenix wright and chibi robo’s getting a bit old. oh well whatever it takes.

wish me luck tonite guys.

good luck (your probably having that LD right now :wink: )

It will take me about three weeks to get a DS Lite :sad: So I have to wait until then to get one.

i had ANOTHER LD last night, this one credited for being a WILD because it was used in conjunction with that “imagine your in school and writing down i will have an LD tonight” thing. that makes it 6/6 times this technique has worked. i also had a good ND, not amazing, but better than yesterdays. ill post my LD in my DJ later today when i have time (im gonna be studying all day, so maybe tonight)

also, cool that you can get one soon! i hope you are able to get it then. remember, get chibi robo park patrol and phoenix wright ace attorney FIRST!

My problem is I refuse to buy games I can easily put down XD

I’m going on 3 hours of sleep now thanks to Zelda - Phantom Hourglass.

Okay, I’ll put something on-topic in here. Something that helps me get into a LD frame of mind all day is hot tea. I drink it throughout the day, making time for a long cup before bed especially. It’s like peace in a cup.

I hope I get my DS Lite today or sunday :woo:
Then I will be able to use this method

hehehe…I just got my DS Lite (black one) today from Target :sly:
But I don’t have any games yet … I’ll just get used ones from Gamestop

Target market… i went there when i went to Seattle.

I might do this tonight… what should i play :hmmm:

Animal crossing


Electro plankton?