A new technique that hasn't failed me so far. I call it NILD

animal crossing thats what i would do

if only i had games for my ds right now

I think the most cost-effective NILD would be to:

  1. Open up PICTO-CHAT

  2. Write out the words “Is this a dream?”

  3. Do an appropriate reality test

  4. Repeat throughout the day or as a morning/bedtime ritual

I might just do that. It’s like a reality check and it might transfer into your dreams of you writing it.

hey guys, its me and i’ve been gone for a while, mainly because of some personal issues and mario galaxy, but im back now. see, i gave up on LD’ing because i wasn’t doing so hot. recall was awesome, but getting to sleep sucked. i wanted to master WILD’ing but got ahead of myself and ended up losing faith in dreaming. then mario galaxy came out and video games just took over my life, but after last nights LD’s i wont let that happen again. anyway, im back.

so last night i played CoD4 on my ds and sega rally on my psp for, oh, an 1 and a half, and had the awesome LD’s ive mentioned b4 (read about it in my DJ if you’re curious). so maybe it doesn’t need to be calm games to induce the LD, maybe it just needs to be handheld games in general.

anyways, ill try it again tonight and see what happens. if i dont get the results i expect, ill try chibi robo tommorow.

also, i would like to hear results for NILD from some people. im glad some of you have taken an interest in it and some of you say you tried it and have not posted your results. im jus curioius! thanks

oooooooooo thats a cool idea. also, perhaps you could play a multiplayer game with bots (MPH for instance) and name all the characters “Is this a dream?” or “Do a reality check NOW”. just brainstorming.

I got a DS lite a week ago or something. I have Pokemon Diamond version. I’ll try this tomorrow night since I’m leaving Wednesday for Thanksgiving. Is it ok if the soda is diet?

last night i had sprite, which is caffeiene free, and (like i said) i had one of the best nights ever LD-wise. im sure it should be fine, give it a shot! and please, if you could, just say whether or not it worked before u leave for thanksgiving. itll take like two seconds and i would appreciate it.

good luck bro! :wink:

don’t worry I will…I just gotta sneak up a dr pepper :sly: meh shouldn’t be that hard…done it before

I tried this last night. It didn’t work for me.

I got my DS and got into bed at around 11:20 and played until12:30. I had to get out of my bed so I can go to the bathroom and recharge my DS. I then went to bed and went to sleep regularly. I had a normal dream with not so good recall tonight. I just remembered a segment.

hm. well, getting up sort of ruins it for me, maybe that was it. next time go before you start playing.

sorry it didn’t work tho. hope u can try it again.

Well, it does sound silly (I read it with an open mind so don’t worry) but I agree and disagree with you; for you, this probably works however, it wont work for everybody to use this. Let me explain, this cant relax everybody. Relaxation is what is helping you LD, not the game. [spoiler]What I do to LD is use a technique called WBTB. this can help because you are awoken in the middle of your REM state or dream state and it works like a WILD by leaving an impression in your mind where you can’t recognize how it got there but all your dream person knows is that its there but thats getting ahead. This works by waking you up during your REM period of sleep (about 4.5-6 hrs. after falling asleep) and allows you to become aware that you are in reality or in a dream, thats why you want to go to bed at about midnight so that you can wake up at a reasonable time i.e. 6:00 AM. That may not be reasonable for you but I have to get up at that time just to get to school on time :tongue:. So thats what you do. [/spoiler]

Huh, Ill try this. I seem to have really good memory while playing video games.Ill watch a show an play a game at the same time, and the next time I see that episode, Ill remember EXACTLY where I was in the game

One night, I accidentally had an LD after playing on my Ninetndo DS!
I never made the link between my LD and the DS. I will try this tonight - uh, just now, lol. :smile:

This actaully has worked for me before. I think I was about 14 years old. I was playing Pokemon Blue. I fell asleep and was in a Pokemon health center place. I don’t remember much about the rest, but from what I recall, it was a LD. :mrgreen:

[i dunno if this is a bump, since the last post was from a week ago…]

this sounds like an interesting LD-method…i’m a big-time video game player, so
this could actually work.

i have “new super mario bros.”. if that’s not relaxing enough, i can use pokemon
diamond [even though i don’t like it that much].

i’ll post my results tomorrow.