A series of Dreams, then a LD.

Last night I fell asleep, woke up, fell asleep, woke up, fell asleep (had an momentary LD), woke up, fell asleep, woke up, fell asleep and finally woke up and got up… (each time I fell asleep I had a different dream)

In the LD I was chasing after a truck because a friend had fainted and was lying on the side of the road. The truck had picked her up and was seemingly trying to help her. It did a loop around a street and back so I was waiting for it when I realised this. I went to the back of the truck and found that my friend had turned into an old man who I carried and placed on the ground, wondering what happened. I thought to myself about what to do to help him and then thought, hang on people can’t shapeshift like that and I realised I was dreaming.

I looked at my hands but the dream faded away very quickly… I was wondering if maybe my RC’s aren’t being done properly. Mainly what I do everytime is look at my hands and they are ‘always’ already rubbing together when I look at them. I kind of realise i’m dreaming before I even looked at my hands but I wanted to ground myself in the dream… I guess that failed. I don’t feel I was over excited… oh hang on now i’m remembering something. Right after I was looking at my hands my background changed and I was in a car looking out the window from the from seat. Some guy jumped at the window and kept repeting “school! school! school! school!” to me… I then woke up.

Yes that was quite weird but my previous dreams in the night involved school so it wasn’t a majorly random thing. Well, that’s the first time I realised I was dreaming because someone shapeshifted… but it was only lucky I was thinking after because I didn’t realise in the first place…

That should go as a +1 under your Good LD’s in your signature. It’s funny how random dreams are, and yet we still ignore that fact and go along with it, but at least you became lucid.

Keep it up :smile:

BTW, “crap LDs” only occur if you make them. In every LD, you have the potential of changing anything and everything. Too short? Extend your dream time. Too unrealistic? Turn up the vividness. You are in control of your mind and its creations. Don’t forget that :smile:

Well, i’m working on getting vivid and long lucid dreams. The closest i’ve gotten was a LD which lasted maybe a 30-60 seconds, and it wasn’t very vivid. I tried to prolong the dream, and get it to be clear but nothing seems to work for me just yet. I just keep practicing and in time I should get a “Good LD”. For me a Good LD would be one thats got life-like clarity and lasts for at least a couple of minutes.

hehe, thanks for replying to this old post of mine though, I figured it just got lost in this massive forum.

It wasn’t too lost; not all old posts are bad :tongue:

From what it looks like, it seems like you are having some in-dream problems (I guess that’s a no brainer). Have you considered something to use as visualization to accomplish tasks? I’m talking about with a lucid pill, lucid cola, etc… Using things like this really helps the mind carry through something, because we as people react better when we use something that we know will work rather than just trying to make something work out of nowhere.

Anyways you might want to give that a try by saying once you swallow a pill/drink a cola your dream will increase realness and length. You’ll have to experiment with it.

Well when I get the chance to I intend to try that lucid pill idea. If that doesn’t work i’ll try the lucid cola. For staying in the dream longer I need to do RC’s in the dream. I’m just waiting until I have a DILD for now.

Heh ok. Just remember, nothing is impossible until you make it that way. You’re in control of your mind.

Tell us how it goes :smile:

lol… well last night I wasn’t really Lucid, or trying to be but when I woke up and went back to sleep again (I was partly awake at this point) my dreams looked quite realistic. I could see detailed people in detailed surroundings, but because I was trying to preserve the clarity the clarity faded away heaps.

–more updates to come! lol…

The lucid pill really works. At the start of one of my LD’s I was all groggy and losing my lucidity quickly even though I was rubbing my hands and commanding “More lucidity!”. As soon as I took my blue lucid pill everything came into clear focus ^_^;

Lucid cola worked too, tasted very good o_o Sadly I woke up soon after drinking it. I think its do to my spirit guide cursing me though! After all I didnt notice it then, but he did say “-Ding- Our time is up.” Mumbles about spirit guides