… like me.
Anyways, this is pretty close to MILD, and should be quite useful to people new to LDing.
When you’re new to LDing (like me), and have suddenly realised that you are dreaming, many people just seem to wake up strait away. No chance to keep yourself calm or spin around or rub your hands or whatever it is you wanna do. You just wake up. Just like that. Strait away.
If that happens to you, I urge you to try this. It is pretty simmiliar to MILD, but try it.
When you wake up after realising your dreaming, don’t moan, move or start yelling swear words at the ceiling (as tempting as the last one may be…). Instead, lay still. Do not move. Don’t even open your eyes if you can help it.
Think about that dream you had just had. Assuming you didn’t move, you should fall back to sleep in seconds. You’ll re enter that same dream, and continue on from when you became lucid (you may not be lucid at first, but you should realise after a few seconds).
Heck, I even used that twice with the same dream. After I awoke after the lucid dream, I just repeated it, and fell back into the sleep again, lucid once again.