I just realized I have done this technique several times without realizing that it was what I was doing! It’s kind of scary for me though because I feel like I am suffocating kind of and, like you said, being torn from my body consciously. Even though I know I can’t die, even if it is an actual OBE, it feels like my sleeping body has rolled over and I can’t breathe because my face is in my pillow. Then that’s when the dream begins to set in and I lose the feeling of my body. The blackness behind my eyelids widens and I can’t feel my body. Before I know it a dream fades in and all of a sudden I can feel my body again.
Thanks to you, Xetrov, I now know how to recreate this experience. The upside for me is I have always been able to tell myself to wake up at anytime I want and I will wake up at that time, but the downside is that I usually wake up 100% consciously. I can still give it another shot tonight. I wouldn’t be surprised if I had like 3 lucid dreams tonight thanks to you.
Darxide, you have to convince yourself that what you think is happening to your body (suffocating, in pillow) is merely an illusion. If you do this tech with such tension in the back of your head, you will lose it soon because you keep worrying about it. Also, practise makes perfect, don’t think it wont work if first few times it didnt go entirely as you wished… Let me know if you had those 3 lucids …
Don’t be so sure you NOT having actual OBEs, when you try these things, heh… OBEs and Lucid Dreams can be pretty damn similar, and it’s very easy to go from one to the other. Assuming you believe OBEs actually exist.
If so, you have to realize, you may be in the waking world without a body, but that necessarily means you’re not at exactly the same frequency. So the “OBE World” won’t look/feel EXACTLY like the waking world.
What kind of tests did you do to come to the conclusion it was just an LD?
EDIT: Actually, the researchers I know actually say an LD is infact a partial OBE, where your ‘astral body’ remains sleeping, without moving away from your body, but not exactly “IN” it.
I have done quite an extensive research on the phenomenon of “OBE” (from sleep, WILD and the likes), and on NDE’s. Mixed with my own experiences and that of a few very experienced others, I came to the conclusion (as long as no other “proof” comes to me), that indeed these OBE’s are nothing more or less then a kind of LD (in any case, dream related happenings). If you want to know the details of my ideas in detail, I wrote an article on it which you can get here.
Xetrov, I tried your technique upon awakening in the middle of last night and…
It worked! Good job, it really sped up the process to imagine myself spinning in circles. Before I knew it a stone passageway had formed under my eyelids and a marine climbed through it. I lucidly followed and immerged myself in a lucid frenzy of slicing aliens to pieces with my trusty pocket knife - lucidly! I did lose lucidity half-way through the dream but that’s okay because after I awakened and recorded this alien dream I did a short MILD and had TWO more lucid dreams. I woke up in between each of them and recorded the last one I had.
I feel great because I just got a new lucid dreaming book, by Laberge, in the mail today and also the Trance Induction CD. I’m thinking I am going to do the Trance Induction tonight and when I get up for an hour in the morning I will read the book and then go back to bed doing another Trance Induction. If I awaken at all in the middle of the night, when it is not time for me to get up, I will do your method again as I can comfortably say it is a sure-fire way of consciously inducing lucid dreams.
It’s also common with OBE enthusiats and researchers. It’s in the “Projectiology” bible from the folks at www.iacworld.org [which are actually sorta the international branch of a brazillian group, IIPC, focused on OBEs (Projectiology,) and Concientiology, which I really don’t feel like trying to explain ]
Yeah! After a few more days of experience with this technique I also noticed not eating past 7’ works the best (unfortunately I just ate a delicious canadian bacon and pineapple pizza about a half an hour ago and it’s 8:52 now). I suggest you eat a big filling meal sometime between 6 and 7 p.m. and then going to bet at around 10 for the best results. If you want to do this method with the extra touch I use, then simply tell yourself, while lying in bed and looking at a digital clock, what time you wish to awaken and remember to use this technique as your body goes back to sleep.
I mean spinning around your length axis, like you would do when you dance a pirouette. Easiest way to virtually roll out of your bed/sleeping position.
Try auto-suggestion: before you go to sleep, tell yourself that you will wake up a few times during the night. Repeat that a few minutes. What helped me also was drinking a glass of water before bedtime. And no I never wet my bed .
Ps: this morning after a long time I did my tech again and it was beautiful! Stood fully lucid in my bedroom, I explored the neighbourhood after walking outside through the wall. It’s amazing how realistic it is… untill I saw the grass 1 metre high…
i think auto suggestion might work 4 me…i did it last night just ot see if it would work and it did!..i kinda tried you technique but my tv was on (i fell asleep with it on) and it kinda screwed it up…i dont really remember if the technique worked but i remember a dream that started out with me laying on my bedsheets watching a football game through a fence so maybe i entered a dream but a somepoint lost ludicidy…it might have just been a regular dream though…n e way, definately trying autosuggestion and your technique tonight
When attempting this technique, would it be better if you wait until your body starts to feel numb/limp before beginning to roll? maybe that would help more…
Steve yes that would help, though it would be best if you did not let your body un-numb/limp in the first place, meaning that if you do this at once when you wake up during night or morning, you’r body is already in the perfect situation of numbness!
Haha, awesome stuff. I’d love to have such a realistic experience, and that’s why I’m still practicing WILD. Although I’m not talented at all when it comes to WILDing, I’ve the feeling it would be so much more realistic for me. (You know, I’m the guy who had some problems with remembering the vividness, the colors, etc. ). Maybe it doesn’t make sense at all but somehow I think learning WILD will solve that little problem of mine, you never know, we’ll see…
Apart from that, I wanted to say that I think after some practice your (Xetrov’s) technique will be most suitable for me. I tried it for three nights now, and I just felt that when I’ll try a little harder this is going to work for me. I’ll give it another try tonight. I’m just going on to try this technique till it works, haha, I’d just love to see what’s it like to have a WILD.
Nice Dennis, patience and keeping at it are major virtues to finally get it (or for that matter, any LD tech) done! If you do succeed, please be so kind as to report about the experience! …
Ha, I was just thinking that, no matter how busy your life is, there’s always time to (practice) LDing if you have the discipline. One of the great things about LDing I think
Xetrov, I just read about your technique today. It sounds like something I accidently did once or twice many years ago. Kind of waking up from a dream, and then spinning back into a new dream.
I wake up several times in the early morning hours. Usually between 4 and 5:30 or so. My problem with WILD’s in the past has always been that I fall asleep too fast after waking up. Counting and mental tricks don’t do enough to slow the process enough.
I’ll try your technique for the next few mornings and see if I have any success.