Animal Clan part II

(Proposal- we could do this like the other LD quests out there, where the person with the most “points” gets to run the next quest?)

Quest I - June 2008
Zoo Antics

Go to the zoo - 3 points
Free all the animals- 4 points
Cause a stampede- 5 points

Find a mythical animal - 3 points
Find an extinct animal - 3 points
Find a completely made-up animal (ex: unigon) - 3 points

You become the zoo keeper - 5 points
As zoo keeper you cause untold chaos - 5 points
It’s a zoo for something besides animals (these are dreams, after all) - 5 points

The usual bonuses:
Lucid bonus- 10 points
See your personal animal - 10 points
Seeing # number of species - 1x # points (but you have to identify them, so it’s partially educational :tongue: )

(Please give comments/ criticism/ suggestions)

(EDIT) PS: Maybe before we start questing we should re-establish who wants what animal. What might work best is if everyone had a small list of their preferred animals, so it’s not so rigid.

lol sounds really good, now I just gotta remember dreams.

I’m not a fan of those. I won’t do it.

i like the idea :happy:

I’m pretty sure I dreamed of a real furry, I think it was a fox. We were arguing (we weren’t yelling) about who was ahead of each other in the line we were in. A person that was in the line behind us told us that we were somehow gay if we did this. I didn’t care if I was gay with the furry I was with.

good job :content:

I feel bad… It’s been a while since I had checked out the clan’s topic :smile: How are things?

badgerlord, your sig is messed up.

The first [/url] should be an [url=urltoyourdj] :cool:

This does contain animal parts. It’s just in a spoiler so it wouldn’t take up much room. In one of my next lucid dreams, I will continue this dream.

[spoiler][center]Night of July 11, 2008[/center]

Once again, this is one of my favorite dreams that I have had. If I could, I would go back into it.

Dragon Tail

I just got out of class from the high school and there’s an open area that’s set up like a park. There was pathways circling around round fountains that were running, and don’t forget about the trees.

One thing caught my eye though. There was a guy that had a dragon’s tail (which was green) and the rest of him was human and he was hanging around some other friends of his that looked like they had the same thing. He looked like he was around 16 or 17 years old and he was skinny with black hair.

When I first saw his tail I was bewildered and excited. I quickly ran up to him and said,
“Hey man!”
“Get away from me furfag!” he yelled at me.
That confused me. Why would he call me a furfag when he was a fur himself? It sounded like he didn’t want anyone to bother him with his tail.
“I love your tail!” I yelled
“I love your tail!”
"I loove your tail!!!
“You do? … Thanks.” said the guy.

I wanted to hang out with him but the dream ended when I was just getting into the group. [/spoiler]

i was wondering what was wrong :content:

why not :confused:

Its been overused and I’m annoyed by them.

Hi, guys. I haven’t been around since December. Anyone remember me? I’m really sorry for disappearing for so long. I feel really bad. Am I still a part of the clan?

As for why I returned, I got an email notification of a random PM so I decided to come back and hopefully try for LD’s again.

Again I’m really sorry. :sad:

Of course you are, I don’t see why we would kick somebody out :tongue:

Ok, that’s good. :smile:

So, what have I missed here?

I would say you have missed… nothing much? At least in the last couple of months.

We sort of need a new/reinvigorated direction. :bored:

I had a nice LD this morning after all this time. I did some fun stuff like flying. All of those RC’s paid off. At the end there was this guy who had around 10 dogs. Unfortuately that’s where I lost lucidity. :sad: Well, it was fun while it lasted. I’m glad I came back.

Hello, this will be my first post at this site. (Is that fine?)
I had quite some interesting reading last night and early morning when I read almost all of the 14 pages of this thread.

But, can’t I be a(some kind of) Fox too? I don’t really know much else I could be comfortable with.
When I woke up today at almost 1Pm I didn’t remembered any dreams, but I really wanted to get some good, and eventually LD-ish dreams so I got to sleep again and woke up at about 9Pm… But the good thing is that I actually got some nice dreams which I haven’t had for a while and also being LD-ish I don’t know really how many months that was since last time. I could perhaps explain more details about later, or in a on-line DJ (I think I’m starting to remember all of these shortenings to :p)
but the dream had some animals in it again, like an little blue dragon-lizard… I’ve had a few dreams this summer with some different animals in them.
But I think this Animal Clan could be a rather great way to get more Lucid-ish and interesting dreams, and finally really get such dreams I’ve dreamed about! Heh.
I also wonder if this topic will “wake up” again soon …?

Hello Ludvig!!! :welcome: It’s great that you’re already making some progress in recall! A DJ, even if it’s not online, can be an excellent tool. Some of my favorite dreams have been NDs (normal dreams) :content: and it’s good practice to record them daily.

If you want to officially say hi to the forum at large, this is a good thread to post in.

I also hope this thread “wakes up” soon. :wink:

Speaking of which, I think we should go back to picking animals and focusing on dreams about them, like in the beginning! But perhaps we should pick an order or family or genus, as opposed to a species, so we can have more fun and feel less restricted!

Dibs on the bovidae family!

I’d be interested in joining this, but from what I can tell there isn’ much of an objective or direction to this. I’ll stay around this topic and help out if I feel the need, but I’m not sure where this is going at the moment.