okay let me give you some background to how i thought of this. i think everyone knows that songs hold memories, even when they’re played multiple years later. like a high school grad song, wedding song, bla bla etc. like i can remember reading a book 5 years ago after hockey tryouts just because of the song that was playing. so here’s the technique based on that.
During the day:
whenever you do anything lucid dreaming related, play a song that you like or can easily fall asleep to. so whenever you do reality checks, play that song, whenever you visit this forum, play it, whenever you read a book ld related, play it and when you’re doing your dream journal, play it.
During the night: on two or more sheets of paper, write out: when i am dreaming, i will realize i’m dreaming, or something like that and say it outloud. this way you’re writing, looking, and hearing it, resulting in the message going to more parts of your brain. while doing this play that certain song . then after you’ve finished writing it out (both sides) read something ld related, still playing that song, and then when you’re done reading, read the sheet with that you wrote your ld message. then go to bed, still playing that song. you can also chose do some MILD or another technique you like. hopefully, when your brain hears the song, it will know that it should be doing something ld related and thus inducing lucidity. also, the more you do it, the more effective it will become.
i thought of this technique last night and did the during the night part of it and had a lucid dream, followed by two dreams where i was talking about lucid dreaming and the sort. please try this technique and let me know what you find. i think it could be one of the easier and more effective techniques. its also more fun then the rest. wow this is a long thread…
sounds very promising master pane. I like the idea of incorporating all or most senses. It might be hard to play the song every time you do a RC. Also to incorporate the song into LD you could just imagine the song within the LD while doing something fun. That way, the song will be linked to a pleasing experience within a dream and hopfully, like you said, be a memory of it.
How do you get the song playing while you sleep? Do you just wake up and put the song on repeat while falling asleep?
well i’d just put my cd in my stereo and put that one song on repeat. also, so i’d go to sleep, i’d put it very low and it worked. as for the reality check, i can see what you mean. but i guess as long as when you’re doing something ld related and is little bit lenghlier, like reading, it could work.
oh and by the way, i’m not trying to get the song in your ld, its for when you’re unconciously dreaming and you hear it you’ll become lucid because that song is attached to lucid activities in waking life. would be cool though, have like a little lucid dream theme song playing hehe
This sounds like a good idea. I’m going to try it tonight and hopefully get my first LD. Listening to my song right now, and I have confidence in this method. I’ll post here tomorrow and tell you if it works.
that is definatlely a promising sounding technique. but it seems like you would get extremely sick of that song after a while , but as long as you get LD’s from it.
just the idea of doing a MILD on paper so you process it better is a good idea, i will start doing that for sure.
well, keep us posted on your progress… that goes for everyone
update: i changed my song midday yestarday because i liked this one better. so i didn’t expect the results to be good because i’ve messed my brain up. however i did have a false awakening last night so thats a little consolation. i think i’ll have a nap too. again, i’m going to try it for about a week or two because then the technique will be most effective. good luck to everyone else.
I only listen to the song when I attempt WILD to associate the song with the WILD sensations. It’s basically self-conditioning: Neutral Stimulus (song) + Unconditioned Stimulus (attempted WILD) = Unconditioned Response (WILD). Hopfully it will become Conditioned Stimulus (song) = Conditioned Response (ready for WILD)…well for my association of it anyways
Hmmm. . . .
Sounds interesting. . . .
I could even sing the song during my RCs. . . .
“I love myself today, not like yesterday”
When I’m reading about LDing. . . .
“I love myself today, not like yesterday”
When I try to WILD. . . .
“I love myself today, not like yesterday”
When I try to MILD. . . .
“I love myself today, not like yesterday”
Hmmm. . . .
I can see how I would learn to hate the song especially with the amount of (the thus far) fruitless time spent WILDing, MILDing, RCing, and repeating my mantra.
another update: i thought of something else. i said to choose a song you like or can fall asleep to yet i think i’m going to take my word back on that. i think a song would work most effective if it was a generally new song and therefore no applications have been made already. it can still be by your favorite band or whatever, just a song you’ve never heard. so it looks like i’m changing my song again, damn, doesn’t look like good results will be coming in for a few days
If this works out for you after a week, I’m all ears. This dry spell is very disheartening. Until we get some more results on this I’ll stay with mantras, meditation, WILD, MILD, and RCs. I await your good news if this works out. . .
I’d kiss you, but in a strictly platonic unsexual way. Unless you happen to be redheaded D cup
You guys wanna know the key in having LD’s… lol well i had my first LD last night and I wasn’t even attending to have a LD… but I had a lot of Grape Koolaid before i went to bed. Maybe that had something to do with it… but i dunno… i’ll test my hypothesis tonight
With this technique you could also set up the song to play at random times, or tell someone in your family to play it anytime they walk past the CD player or whatever. That way you’ll know that when you hear the song you will think of LDs not the other way around.
well simply put, i have no idea. it could have been the MILD, it could have been WILD, or induced from the song. i have no clue, i’ll have to have another to pinpoint it. as for where i live, edmonton.just please dont stalk me hahaha just kidding.