AP question...

Sorry to ask such a stupid question, but what’s a dental plate? That’s REALLY cool! There’s some proof right there :smile:

I guessing that when someone has an OOBE, everything looks a bit strange and maybe while out of our body, we hallucinate a bit and might not see something or not see it at all. We don’t know everything about OOBEs you know. No one ever died and came back to life… so we can’t be sure about what goes on in the path to Heaven (or the after-life)

I don’t know it was right word - denture, fake teeths etc.
It’s immposible to get real proves, not counting stories like that. It’d be good to do real experiment, but as long there is no relieable one, we can base only on stories like that.

As I wrote before, I wouldn’t call that a proof. It’s very easy to make up a story like that. I’ve heard about a man, that also had an OoBE while being reanimated. He then heard a child crying and saw, that a child in nearby room has a broken bone. When he woke up, he told the doctors about this and it turned out to be true. But again - how do we know, that this story isn’t fake? If only we could find few independent sources, it would be easier for me to believe. But for now I heard each story like this only from single source.

Only finding three-four independent sources telling the same story would be some kind of a real proof. We could then at least assume that the event really took place - now we can’t say that.

If two people were to voulenteer to have an OOBE, in the same house but in 2 different rooms, they should be able to see each other… Why doesn’t someone do that with a room mate or friend and tell each other a password or some word to say to each other when they come back into their bodies? This will be GREAT proof.

Oh man Im glad the forums back up, because I had an amazing O.B.E. It was very windy, and the noise kept me aware while I was falling asleep, I projected about three times. Firs I was flying, and I decided to talk to someone, so I flew down, and I saw a man sitting on some steps. It was hard for me to talk, I tried doing telepathy. Aparently he understood me. I asked his name, but I cant remmber, he said something about a convinent store. I dont remmber his exsact words, but he basicaly told me to keep my eyes open, because he was going to meet me in real life. I asked him, if he was real. He said yes. I wish I could remmber more of it. It was realy cool.

i need a reliable way to do this. any help?

A couple of nights ago i woke up in the middle of the night and had sleep viberations. It was very weird, but really cool. well i then felt a floating sensation. then i felt as if i was being drawn out of my body could actully see my arms in the air and on my bed. then my dog started licking my face and i woke up but it was very cool. :cool:

Was the OBE unintentional? If not, which technique did you use? Because you might be able to recreate this experience and possibly rediscover this enigmatic man of the Astral with some ingenuity and inducing a projection again.

Hmm, ive been wondering.Real OBE 's you can explore the real world right?So you could prove that OBE 's are real by asking someone to put a t-shirt ( or something) on the floor, then when you wake up, call them and tell them what that thing is.Right?

Yes. You could try that.

My beliefs: I believe that in OBEs your spirit leaves the body. You can’t be harmed or hurt in anyway, and if anything bad happens to the physical body, you will go straight back to it. I believe there are demons, which will try to scare you. However, I also believe that you can get rid of them by not fearing them. I think that you can view this world (although I’m unsure about the hallucinations) or create your own world. I believe you can do a lot when you AP, such as go abroad or visit the deceased, but not on your first try. We have OBEs every night, but we are not conscious of them. I don’t know if LDs are different though and happen in our brains, but it would be interesting to AP from a LD.

After death, I believe that we sort of AP, but we are no longer connected to our physical bodies. I believe that we can choose to be reincarnated, but don’t have to be (I hope not anyway - I don’t like the idea of reincarnation). I think we can sort of…rest. Like, time means nothing and we’re just…still, like we’re sleeping but with no dreams…just at peace. Do you get what I mean? And, I believe we can come out of that peace if we choose to. I also believe we can learn to become spirit guides, but I’m completely unsure about my views towards guardian angels.

I hope that interested anybody. :smile:

Why is it so hard to get a straightforward answer on whether you can get physical plane information from the etheric plane? I’ve been reading up on the topic, and have been attempting OBE. When I pull it off, the first thing I’ll do will be to get a particular piece of information in a particular place close to where I live, from within the etheric plane. Then when it’s over I’ll go and verify it in the physical plane.

astralsociety.com seems like a reliable place for information on “these things” (not that anything on the 'net is ever really reliable). They have extensive guides, especially on OBE and AP. It all seems too elaborate to be a big hoax, so I believe some of “these things” are possible. But I’m not sure about the benefits of AP and OBE. The webmaster of astralvoyage.com speaks of beauty, universal love and forgiveness, deeper understanding, and some sort of spiritual espionage, for lack of a better term for what she describes.

Caz: Have you read the book “Our Ultimate Reality”? It covers everything that you brought up in your post. Supposedly, when you die, provided you don’t become a ghost stuck in the lower astral plane, you get to see what you accomplished in your life and then you decide what kind of life you want to live next. This goes on until you’re ready to ascend to a higher existence . It makes for an interesting read, but of course there’s no telling how much of it is true. It also has some info on OBE and AP, as well as techniques.

No, I haven’t. But it definitely sounds like a great read and would give some different opinions based on what I said. However, I have no money right now and my mum’s already payed a lot for stuff for me today. It’s going to have to wait a while.

I really want to have an out of body experience, I don’t realy know much about lucid dreaming, but I read some stuff on here and realised that I might have been close to having an OOBE because I often have the sendation that I am spinning around in my bed or being pulled downwards as if on a rollercoaster. I never really though anything of it and it happens very often, I always though it was just the sensation everyone got when falling into deep sleep.
The sensation is quite weird, when I spin round I nevr turn a full circle, it feels as If i maybe go 180 degrees round then pause and spin back again sort of like a pendulum feeling. How can I seperate from my body completely now that I know what the feeling could be.
xx :smile:

I truly believe in AP.I have had a bout 3.
I have never been able to just sit their and say AP now.It only happened on accident while trying to have a WILD.From what my strange occult friend said your cord is forever if you believe it is.As in millions of miles to lightyears away.He also told me he has met his AP forum buddies.

Other than his nonsense i am a true believer and even though there is no proof the expirience even though scary the first time i had one it was awesome the other two.Thats my proof to me.Im trying to get another one :neutral:

P.S. Hippy-Dreams
You were so close!!!the last one I had I realized it was another WILD gone wrong lol,so I decided to pull at the headboard of my bed thats what got me out. :cool:

Omg, i think that might be what i feel sometimes.Because sometimes when im in bed ill, feel like I was standing up and just fell onto my back.Who knows, it could be me falling into my earthly body.

Right, how does one induce an etheric projection or Out-of-Body Experience from the LD state? I haven’t tried anything yet and I’ve never had an OBE before. I do mean OBE as opposed to Astral Projection because I’m interested in getting real-life information covertly, not in exploring a whole different reality.

Merged with Big OBE topic

Astral Projection is the ability to leave ones body via an astral body, you can visit your friends/gather information with it etc. You don’t have to explore other planes of existence during an AP, you can visit the one we live in.

As far as inducing an OBE through a sleep/lucid state, in my personal opinion, is not really an OBE but an LD/dream of having an OBE in which case no real-world detail could be trusted.

I had a whole different impression of it than what you describe. I thought OBE is closer to the physical plane and so is far more reliable for gathering information than AP, which takes you much farther from the current “reality” of the physical plane.

I read somewhere that it’s possible to really induce an OBE from a LD. That is, by waking you up with sleep paralysis instead of normally, and basically in prime conditions to have a OBE. Not at all a dream.

Also, I’ve prepared a “test” for determining just how real the information I get in the etheric plane is, provided I can move from my starting position to where the test is. So I won’t have to go crazy deciding whether what I experienced was real.

I do believe AP and OBE are possible, I just don’t trust them through a dream state. I would agree that OBE is closer to our reality, as it is like a simple stepping out of the body.

I can only rely on my experience of OBE and the few I had I had no control over at all. But I wouldn’t say it’s not possible either. I assumed when you said inducing it through LD that you would stay within the LD to do it as many seem to, as opposed to waking yourself in a state of SP and that is what spawned my reply.

But when it comes to achieving your goal I think the best choice is which ever you find easiest to induce, with the test it will help you to determine the validity.

I would like to make one suggestion, if you are trying to gather information rather than just explore OBE/AP then maybe consider remote viewing as an option as well. With RV you are completely awake at all times, so you would be able to write down / voice record what you are seeing as it happens rather than having to rely on your recall once you finish experimenting.

Either way, good luck. I’d be interested in hearing your success story. :smile:

Thank you, and I’ll be sure to share any success as etheric espionage has been a topic of interest to me for some time. I’ve never considered remote viewing, though right now I’m mostly interested in what I can do in conjunction with LD. At any rate, I sincerely appreciate your advice.