For anyone interested, here’s the reply I got in another forum:
Okay when lucid and you need to be the good kind of lucid. Not the barely lucid for 1 min kind. Like lucid were your lucidity is very stable and strong.Like lucid wise your brain is up their is functioning on all cylinders.
Now you look around your dream world to see were you are. You specifically look for buildings and were you may find a washroom.The shorter the walk to a place where you may find a mirror the better.
Dont create a mirror.Wont work.You need to find a mirror within your dream world while lucid. Now that you found the mirror, the bigger the mirror the better.
Now stand infront of the mirror and wait like 2 seconds or 3 for your image to appear.Dont worry what you look like just make sure its a image of yourself. Then you have to check your state if lucidity.If its weak and about to fall apart issue a “increase lucidity 100% now” command. I fyou dont feel a surge in your body, issu ethe command again. Right after the surge you enter the mirror in one flucid motion.Like step right through it.Dont stop or go to slow or have any thought in your head. You wait for resistence of the mirror to pass and take a quick step right throught,into the reflection of your self.
If you have to climb up ontop of the sink, do it.
If you do this correctly, then on the other side of the mirror. You will notice your dream has ended.You may notice that you are seeing your bedroom. What you will also notice is that you may have vibration,s or are alreadys eperated and standing somewhere in your house, maybe hall way. It all depends on how high your level of lucidity is when you pass through. If its to weak you wont do nothing but kill youir dream and lucidity. Thats why you need to dripping with lucidity when you enter.
If you are to chicken shit then stick you arm into the mirror up to your shoulder and that arm that is in the mirror will either vibrate or float in bed.Also remember when you pass through the mirror you end your dream.
Pretty elaborate I’d say. I’ll try it soon.