moved to the sticky topic in beyond dreaming from the lucid adventures forum
Hello this is Nikos from Germany, I am natively greek
First I have to tell you that this is the first time I post into this forum. Just today I discovered while having many lucid dreams and out of body experiences before. I never thought that lucid dreaming can be taught, I just have those dreams at least once a month. So now to my topic about out of body experiences. I remember having an OOBE once and it was very intense. First thing to do in a lucid dream is to fall asleep in the dream and notice that you have fallen asleep in the dream. Now it is possible to do this several times, after you have done this at least 3 times you will notice your “spirit” taking off your body and you can direct her where to go. These OOBEs are very intense and often much more stunning than normal lucid dreams. Once you are tired of the OOBE I noticed that you get back to the different stages of dreaming (where you fell asleep inside the dream). Sometimes you stay some time in the former stage of dreaming and fall back later to the lucid dream. I even remember myself seeing the bed in the dream where I fell asleep. And seeing myself through the “spirit” when getting back to the real life. Normally you can be quite sure that you are in a OOBE when you feel yourself missing your body and flying quickly out of it, most scary thing is getting back to your body, because it’s so unnormal.
In god we trust,
and have fun with your dreams.