Astral projection - Just another form of lucid dreaming?

Here’s something interesting I read today in wikipedia:

“Astral projection is an out of body experience (OBE) technique, sometimes associated with the occult and the New Age movement, where it is said that the “astral body”, or “double”, which some believe to be one of several co-incident “bodies” in each person, is able to move free of the physical body. During astral projections, sometimes the traveler reports being attached to his/her physical body by a silver umbilical cord. Neither this technique, nor OBEs in general, are accepted by the overwhelming majority of scientists.

Strange. I had no idea that this was a completely controversial subject!

Oh yes! It is!
But you have to notice that what is said on the wiki is very wise and perfectly right: “Neither this technique, nor OBEs in general, are accepted by the overwhelming majority of scientists”. So the wiki authors don’t say they agree or they don’t. :tongue:

Yea, if i get it right, those scientist don’t accept THE CLAIM that the person really was out of body, while they perfectly (IMO) can accept that it’s related with dream phenomena, or with lucid dreaming.

I do the same. I’m open to possibility that some people can have “real” AP/OBE-s, but in most cases those are just another kind of lucid dreaming. But because the experience is different (one starts with a dream, another with a feeling that you are moving out from your body), i have decided to separate my experiences in my signature, while i consider both to be lucid dreams.

Until in my OBE-s the places, and things i encounter are different than they are at the same moment in physical reality (for example some details missing from my room, while they actually are there), i can consider them as only dreams.

I don’t think astral projection is just another high ld, imo ppl who think that way are just ppl who have had high ld of having OBEs and think that that’s the deal but they haven’t had a real OBE themselves.

Perhaps LD is just another form of OBE… :wink: