EDIT TO OLD*** You should be falling asleep by that time. I just realized that’s what I put on the first post…and I don’t want to change a bunch of things.
i shall try to join in this shared dream but i might not be able to considering i cant sleep well… and have very little ld experience… but i will try my best
I’m afraid you’re asking me to explain how sugar tastes to someone who has never tasted it, in a sense. I’ve done my best to explain it in the other thread and I’m afraid that’s all I can do. I’ve decided that willing one’s self to lucid dream is something one must teach themself.
Sorry bout the type Ysim, you are correct. Thanks for pointing that out
med4tall, I guess I can do that. The only reason why I didn’t do that is because 1) the people sleeping at night cannot take a nap at 1 am…lol and 2) the people like GMT+3 would have to go to sleep at 6am…and I didn’t think any of you would want that, so I took it out.
For people that are GMT- something, they cannot take a nap… it isn’t possible (unless you sleep during the day and are awake during the whole night). But I will add on the GMT+something situations (the sleep portion)
Harman, yeah I’m sorry about that. There’s nothing I can really do about it. It’s either the extreme GMT+ user (like the guy with GMT+12)that will have a yucky situation, or the extreme GMT- user that will have a yucky situation. All I can tell you to do is to read the tips I provided, and maybe think of some more of your own, so that you can go to sleep at that time. You may also take some sort of sleep pill if you’d like (if the warm milk doesn’t help).
Once again, very sorry
Well…if anybody else has some issues regarding the current time set, please feel free to keep posting. Hopefully I can provide some tips to make a bad situation into a better one…or if nothing else works, I can change all of the times. We still got a while before it actually happens!
I know, I read that thread, I was being sarcastic (Just like… Somebody goes “OMG I WANT CANDY” “If you give me 10 million dollars, then yes, I’ll buy you some candy.”)
This party is going to be great! What an awesome idea. You must have spent a lot of time planning this! I am signed up. It will be fun to actually meet everyone on the forum!
I’ll sign up as a guest then. I’m alittle too nervous to be a host. It feels like my dream recal is better than my memory. I don’t think I’d be able to remember everyone who signed up for this. I’ll do my best to help the hosts though!