Best sleeping position for having Lds

Positions; all
Clothing; none
Direction; all
Temperature: 36 Celsius down to needing a big fat quilt.
Angle; about -10 to 0
Light; bitch black.
Sound; well, in the CITY, earplugs…yup, earplugs!

Positions; I have found that people from different cultures have all sorts of what I can only call superstitions on the right position of sleep and the direction of body in relation to the 4 cardinal points, the sun rise, and even in relation to the position of windows and doors of the room you sleep in, the color of the sheets, men like this, women like that, all contradicting one an other more or less. I even remember reading something about it in relation to the individual psychological state of mind in relation to the current events in life, and my favorite was something about; kings and queen sleep on there backs, soldiers sleep on one side or the other, and cowards sleep on there belly… So…I can only wonder, does that make me dethroned king that now solders with out conviction and cowards one out of four times? This is not to say that the subject is putting me to sleep. Only that general theory on positions, goes in all sorts of directions.
Clothing; with out question, naked on the bed at a temperature and humidity level that is just under sweating, but no aircons. I think I read something about air conditioners giving off positive ions that are negative for us to sleep properly…
Angle; here I remember long a go having my bed inclined just a touch, bringing I thought more blood gently to my head but not inclined so much as to slide down over night, and find my self sleeping in a ball on my pillow at the head of the bed by morning…
Sound; well, the sound of nature or nothing at all. Having had to sleep in the city for the past 3 years, I use foam earplugs, I just hate the sounds of the city. The up side of these earplugs is that they accentuate the sounds of my (upper) body functions, mainly breathing and heartbeat. For me, excellent rhythms to tune in to for a smooth flow in to sleep, usually… and they also seem to have aided at times to LD. Or so it seemed to me.
All in all, I have found no particular one to be related to LDing. Rather, I would say it is how they are perceived or believed to work that influences the expectation of LDing and thus, the outcome. Believing that one particular position is best puts a mental limit on what might actually be possible in any position, with an open (free) expectation to LD.
In other words “free your mind”.
But the bottom line… “FACE DOWN IN A BUCKET OF WATER” did it for me in this forum. Thank you Kimius.

Good luck ALL.

Statistics show that people who experience SP most often sleep on the back. So this question about relations between LD and sleep position is perhaps not such stupid it seems.

It seems to me, that every time I sleep on my back I have a WILD. Something must be wrong with me… :grin: The only problem is that it is really not the most comfortable position, and every time I am trying WILD, I am tempted to lie a usual way and concentrate on some common technique… But I cannot concentrate on anything, so most times I just fall asleep.

I nearly always fall asleep on my side and roll over on to my back in my sleep. I think I’m on my back usually when having LD’s

I seem to have the best LDs when I go to sleep on my back (which is not terribly comfortable for me). But since this is the position I deliberately get into when Im trying to LD, it could simply be Im more focused on it…

And I tend to wake up on my side or stomach when its over…

Sleeping naked also seems to help me, but I think thats a comfort factor as well.

That said - having extra clothing on has at times increased my body temp, which has made me wake up more frequently while dreaming and aids my dream recall…

the lucidity institute is doing an experiment on thais right now. you can help by gathering data for them, just go to the expiriments section here:

I remember having lucid dreams on my side, stomach and back.

One thing for certain, I get sleep paralysis almost every night and when it happens I usually awake from a dream and I’m on my back, and can’t move.

While I’m attempting to become lucid, should I sleep in a certain position, or will any do the job?

woot bumping after 4 hours… u rawks…Bump deleted

well, basically, it doesn’t matter unless you are using WILD, then lieing on your back is prefered. (I think :tongue: )

We have discussed this before. You can WILD in any position. Best seems to be on your back, Side second best, then stomach. So far I only know one person who has managed WILD in a sitting position.

For me a position that isn’t the most comfortable, but comfortable enough for me to sleep in seems best for LDing or noticing SP periods.

Then its just to start laying on my back.

Well, only if you plan to WILD. If wish to use another tecnhique (such as MILD) then as position seems to do.

i`m trying to do wild

Well then - back it is :wink:.

I find that body position is really important when I’m trying to WILD. I have to be on my back. Arms at my sides. Legs straight. I noticed that it works best this way because any joints that are bent sort of start to ache when entering sp. And if I’m not on my back I tend to fall asleep. This seems to be the only position where I won’t fall asleep. Also, I have to make sure my neck is well supported b/c ny neck also aches. Eventually though your whole body goes numb and you don’t notice it anymore, but it will help because if you are uncomfortable in the early stages it can be very distracting. I’ve also learned…if you have an itch scratch it! And if you have to swallow, do it. Otherwise you’ll just be more distracted trying to ingore it.

Also, I think it’s best to have a “set” position when trying to WILD. Otherwise your mind can play tricks on you with the whole “limb displacement” thing that can be distracting. I used to think that I set my hands on my stomach, arms bent because that is how it ‘felt’. But now I can just say…no…no I know that they are at my sides. So I don’t sit there wondering…are my arms on my stomach or chest or at my sides? etc. Don’t know if that makes much sense. You’ll know what I mean after you’ve done it.

Good luck guys. :slight_smile:

Thanks !

Now you know two. :cool:

I think, if you are sleepy enough and wild through HI, any comfortable position will work.

This is the way i’ve got to do WILD aswell. I find that I have more LD’s if i’m settled in this position too. Even though I normaly sleep in the fetal position. I think it forces the awrenes to sort of keep more of a vigil on your body as you fall alseep.

Though, I try not to keep too rigid. It’s the normal Dead Man’s pose in yoga that I employ. Arms loose at sides palms open and turned upward at the ceiling. Legs straight and laxxing at the pelvis naturaly resting to the left and right respectively. But yeah, neck support seems to be really important for me too. I want to buy one of those special neck pillows I see on T.V. all the time… My pillows suck.

I sleep faster while sleeping on my side but i feel more confortable on my back with my face resting sideway.