Best sleeping position for having Lds

When I sleep on my back, there is nothing covering my ears, so I can hear my stomach grumbling (very acute hearing), and I can’t fall asleep. That’s why I was asking…using the WILD question is probably out of the question, and I’m not particularly fond of MILD, having to dream, then wake, then perform, or the WBTB, having to wake, fricken research and crap, then sleep…Which also led me to ask if I could devise my own method and still get results…

I’ve discovered that sleeping on my right side i have more vivid dreams.

lol wait, maybe it’s true, i should try it:P i do notice that when i remember a dream i wake up on my right side(i think)

Well you will only get out of something as much as you are willing to put into it. So if you aren’t willing to try something because you aren’t that fond of it, or because it’s a bit too much work then I doubt you would have the patience for something like WILD anyway. It takes practice and patience to get right. I have had hundreds yet I still can’t induce one whenever I want. Anyways…just letting you know that maybe you should be willing to put a bit more effort into something if you want to get anything out of it in return. And LDing is certainly worth the effort.

This is exactly how I am. I cannot fall asleep when I’m on my back. My body feels numb and starts to get heavier but I still can’t fall asleep, even when I’m tired. When I shift to my side or stomach I have no trouble falling asleep.

Most of my LD’s (DILDs) occur when I’m sleeping on my belly, the head turned on the left. So I suppose it depends on the person.

By the way, I merged this topic with another existing one about the same subject.

I rarely fall asleep on my back when i first go to bed. I try to but my body gets too tense and my pillows are uncomfortable (really must get some new ones :tongue: ) so i end up on my side. I’m more relaxed later in the sleep cycle though - often wake up on my back after LD’s and ND’s. The closest I got to a WILD was on my back.

I can’t remember ever waking up from a LD on my back, so my LD’s usually happens while I sleep on my side. It is easiest to do the first steps of wild on my back, but lately I switch over to my side as soon as HI starts.

I have done that myself in the past and I was still able to WILD. So apparently moving gently into a better position when you do WILD is ok.

I see that everyone is different regarding sleep position to have lucid dreams.
I have ld’s with either position, last ld i was laying on my back but with previous ld’s have been on my side. So the position doesn’t really matters unless you try one that you never try, thus making you feel diffent and hopefully having a ld.

I always sleep on my stomach, so I wouldnt really have much of an idea. The one thing I do know is that I wake up aching if I’m on my back or side. :neutral:

I absolutely cannot sleep on my back. I tried. My thoughts were on the dream I wanted to have (VILD), but I just couldn’t fall asleep. I even used the ‘Holy Pillow’ which is a pillow I have that might as well be the folds of heaven. Still couldn’t fall asleep…I was out like a baby in a second when I turned on my side, though…

Actualy i can’t say which one work’s for me fine…
When im falling asleep i change my pos. almost every 5 minutes, and when i wake up i don’t remember which i choosed :wink:
But i think i mostly fall asleep on my back. I think it dosent affect my LD’s

Def Gonna try this like right now I have been up all night pretty tired figure start goin to sleep on my stomach right before i fall asleep turn on my back (I never sleep on my back) and if I fall asleep then lets hope its and ld I’ll post back tom

My first LD was when i was sleeping on my aunts coach(not very comfortable), listening to the purring of the cat lying on my chest. I suppose the purring of the cat helped me WILD. And probaly coincidence but it was also new years day.

I’d love to ask a question to the pro LD’er.Have you noticed the way you sleep.I don’t know how to ask about it.are you sleeping in a straight position or on an baby position…

P.S:there are 32 pages on the First steps to lucidity,just couldn’t read them,sorry if it has been made twice.
P.S:i also didn’t know where to put it,cause there can be experiments on this-i think.

Most time I sleep on my back,But on nights I just need sleep and don’t worry about dreams then I sleep on my side curled up in a ball.

I usually sleep on my belly. Yesterday I had to sleep on my back, because its muscles were aching (darn you, christmas virus!), but I usually feel uncomfortable (not physically) and can’t sleep in any position other than on my belly.

Same as Bruno, but I always sleep on the living room floor. ^^

I sleep on my stomach or right side…but use back when I WILD.