Brainwave Generator: A file I found that Worked

Deep Mind V is now avablie

Well “#2 Astral Projection” didnt affect me at all but last night I tried out “LD Test and 12” and it gave me one of the most vivid LDs I hav had in a very long time. I incorporated it into my WILD and it made my mind exaughsted while keeping it focused. Tonight Im going to give myself a break but tommorow Im trying out “Deep Mind VI” the newest version. Ill make sure to post my results after I use it.


I’ve heard a lot of people say that LD Test works the first time, and then never works again. Odd. I’m going to try Deep Mind IV tonight, just as an experiment.

So you can’t import presets in the new version. So what’s the version number of BWG that can import presets without purchasing. It would help in my search. Could anyone possibly upload it if they have it. I’d really appreciate it.

I think it’s 3.1.9. I searched for it on google, and a download site popped up after a few pages.

Deep mind VI is also available :wink:
Anyways something went wrong and again I can’t do it. Well time to sleep very early…

3.1.11 is the newest version but I was finally able to get version 3.1.8. and umm well… It seems very nice. I’ve listened to a bunch of presets, very interesting. ClarkKent sumbited a preset called LD Test and 12. I can’t wait to try this program out when I go to sleep and I’ll have my fingers crossed. I hope I have positive results. Later

Wow, it works for shifting me to a very deep meditative state, is much more effective than builtin presets. :music: Now I use Deep Mind IV everynight and when I wake up I don’t feel sleepy even when I slept only 5 hours. BWGen works great under WINE in linux althought there are other soft like autoZen or SBAGen…
I exported Deep Mind IV in 2 wav files (one normal, the other left-right reversed) and encoded into mp3 in stereo mode (not joint stereo) that guarantees that there aren’t channel mixing.
Each mp3 lasts 45 min and its size is 42M.
I’d like upload it somewhere for you but I haven’t enough webspace (web1000 ftp doesn’t work :angry:)
Another posibility I’m trying to do is take repetitive parts and duplicate it (for example, the first 6 mins are at 15 hz, but the random noises at the backgound makes it almost equal) then bzip2 it and size would be about 8 mb both files.
Also I could share it via p2p


Deep Mind IV realy did a impact on me.

After about 15 minutes of listening I suddently fell in a incredably relaxed state, it felt wonderful. Like I was lying in a tank of body-tempratured water and just floating around. Then I got this small twitches in my leg it was realy hard to move. I didn’t see any pictures though.

Any tips if this happens today again? :smile:

Another note is that I rememberd my first dream in ages, to bad it wasn’t a lucid one.

can you help with where you found that?

The lastest one works fine if you get it and then use this patch in the same folder as it.

I’m going to try out LD test 12 tonight.


LD Test and 12 is my preset - thanks for trying it out!

LD Test and 12 is my attempt to combine both LD Test and a preset called no 12 by Ed Case (Ed Case made some interesting presets and we used to try them on this board).

It is said that Deep Mind IV is more powerful and more ld/obe specific while Deep Mind VI is more general purpose, for sleep reduction, deep meditation and so on, maybe because there are no thunder sounds. DM V is like to VI but trice as long (3 x 45 min sequence). DM I, II and III don’t seem to be so popular…

I only tried IV myself several times and worked very well for sleep reduction and had an LD, wich is very good for me, becuase usually bwgen doesn’t affect me deeply :content: :music1:

Sleepy, your link gave me many viruses. :neutral:


Let me guess… you use MS Internet explorer, the most unsecure browser in the world :tongue:

I suggest using a alternative like Mozilla Firefox, the best cross-plataform browser around :wink:
It’s open source and free

I use internet explorer. Never had any problems.

Internet explorer is full of vulnerabilities and viruses now exploit them.
So I don’t use it.

Well I tried Deep Mind IV as people mentioned it here. I didn’t have great
success. Didn’t manage to WILD with it, so I tried to sleep. When I was going to sleep I could eventually see colours but lost consciousness. I woke up some time later without recall of any dream. Now it seems that I did wake up and shout something, I’ve been told, but I don’t remember anything. Does this do this to you? I didn’t like it too much.

I have also downloaded the mp3 for Deep Mind ultimate 2 - from the preset author’s site- is that any good for lding or not?

i was just curious as to how you listen to the generator, i find it hard to sleep with headphones but this seems like the only way to get the beats , i have the generator and havent felt all to much on any of the lucid dreaming presets i downloaded, so basically im wondering how to use it comfortably enough that you fall aslepp and are still asleep by the time you reach the dream cycles, thanks yall