Brainwave Generator-Part II


It didn’t work for me either when I tried it the second time. Also, both times I did notice that I woke up much earlier than usual afterwards, so I’m wondering whether the 4.5Hz frequency was acting like a sleep reducer?

Anyway, despite not being able to go lucid the second time, I did notice that I was able to keep saying to myself “Am I dreaming?” the whole time I was falling asleep. Unfortunately, this didn’t lead to a LD on the second time, but the fact that I could do this and that it worked the first time means that I may have hit upon a potential technique for myself. It’s kind of like that one that somebody posted a while ago where you open your eyes on random occaisions as you’re falling asleep and count your fingers. It works on the same basis, by briefly interrupting the falling asleep procedure and then letting it continue, thus carrying a bit of conciousness through to the sleep state.

Anyway, I think I might forget about using Brainwave Generator for LDs for a while, and concentrate on trying to do this technique. That’s not to say that this whole process has been wasted, as it got me into the habbit of trying something every single night for several weeks, and I think that’s what I needed. It has been a journey that arrived at an unexpected (yet just as worthwhile) location.

However, I am still thoroughly interested in Brainwave Generator in general, and will still continue to create presets for other purposes (I’ve just made another good relaxation one). Clark, if you’re interested in trying out other Bwg presets I might create in the future, then send me a private message with your e-mail address. If not, then that’s fine too.

But for now, I look forward to continuing talking with you (and others) elsewhere on this site as we journey on our quest for LDs.

Sweet dreams everybody…



Well I’m only interested in bwgen for LD purposes… will you be posting the links here or should I give you my email?

I can post them here if you want, should I ever come up with any more ideas for LD presets.



Would be greatly appreciated ^_^.

I have spent 2 days trying to use the bwg with little or no success, on day 3, i realized that it falls out after the first hour.

I would appreciate that too… Thank you very much…

I tried doing my technique without Brainwave Generator, and I just can’t get it to work now, so it looks as if I may be going back to Brwainwave Generator to help me again.

I was just thinking about the frequency of 3Hz, because if you look at the listing, it mentions the range of 1 to 3 as being for LDs and also the range of 3 to 8 as being for LDs, so maybe it’s the 3 which is the magical frequency, because at the same time another bit says that Delta is dreamless sleep.




I’d just like to add, that a preset that goes down to 3Hz is my Lucid Sweep 2 preset.


Ed could you try several freq at the same time?
btw ehm has your shower a colour depression? your purple lol :smile:
Lol looks good though.

1.try alpha waves
2. beta/alpha
3. delta/beta

maybe u could test these the last two hours of sleeping time.
each set at another morning

Only if you are in the mood ED!
And one last thing! Dont ever drive purple :grin:

In reference to my Lucid Sweep 2 preset, I’d just like to say that I made a mistake, it’s actually my Lucid Sweep 3 preset which goes down to 3Hz, and I have now uploaded it.

Jeff, yes I could try those other frequencies. I’ll bear them in mind if my latest preset doesn’t work, thanks for the suggestion. :wink:

As for my purple face, well, I couldn’t resist, I’ve got stuch a strange sense of humour, I just decided to see what would happen if I inverted the green one. :happy:


Lol looks great Ed…sort of purple rayed face…xute!

Tell me when u test those frec! :smile:


I’m currently experimenting with Delta + Alpha, to see what happens with that. I’ve just uploaded 3 presets to my web space.

I’m using a low Alpha frequency of 8Hz, and the delta frequency for presets 1 and 2 is 3Hz, but for preset 3 I’m trying 0.9Hz (Euphoria). I haven’t tested preset 3 yet.

The first preset didn’t really work properely, because I had the first tone sweep down from 15 to 8, and then 3Hz fade in, and this didn’t do much.

For preset 2, I decided to fade in a second 8Hz once the first one had reached 8Hz. This was at a different carrier tone. This second one then sweeps down to 3Hz while the first one stays at 8Hz. I listened to this, but only got as far down as about 4Hz before thinking it had gone on for longer than it had and that I had to get up and do something else. However, on the way down, it was an interesting experience. Very relaxed and kind of like a feeling of starting to lose touch with my body, but then once I decided to get up I became fully alert really easily.

The third preset is exactly the same is the second one, apart from the fact that it goes down to 0.9Hz instead of 3Hz.

I’ve yet to test preset 3, and I’ll probably test preset 2 again because I didn’t listen to it all the way through the first time.

I really like the idea of 8Hz being the higher frequency, because, being right at the bottom end of the Alpha range, it seams to be the most relaxed you can become whilst still remaining quite alert. This combined with the second frequency then going down from 8Hz to a lower frequency, seams to enable greater relaxation and altered states whilst still remaining alert.

Clark, if you want to test these, let me know how you get on. I have uploaded preset 1 just in case you want to try that, but personally I would just skip to 2 and 3.



I’ll try them - because I don’t seem to be responding to the laberge interview any more… perhaps I’m fed up of it, who knows?

Nothings ever straighforward with Lucid Dreaming is it! One minute a technique works, then it doesn’t. It’s like that technique I thought I’d found, it only worked once!



Hey, I’ve just had an idea! Maybe I could create a preset with 3 different frequencies!

I was thinking, maybe a higher Alpha frequency, like 10.6 for example, and then 7Hz Theta (Astral Projection) and then something lower like 4.5 or 3.9?

I could have them all happen gradually, for example, the first frequency could start at 15, slide down to 10.6, then the second frequency could come in at 10.6 but at a different carrier tone, and slide down to 7, then the third frequency could come in at 7 at a different carrier tone and slide down further.



I tried no 3 twice - once in an afternoon nap. I almost dozed off but no LD’s…
Then at night I listened to it and slept for more than an hour, but I had no LD’s…

Then I switched back to the laberge interview for most of the night and had some dreams - particularly one with Schwarzenegger as some secret agent.
I woke up and decided to remove the earphones. I dreamt a nightmare then… and instead of becoming lucid, when a zombie attacked me, I woke up instead.

LOL, I’m sorry Clark, I didn’t mean to give you nightmares!



Do you have to spend $40 to buy the bwg and then get your files?

Thx :cool_laugh:

I just tried my latest preset, titled “Alpha + Theta (Lucid Dreams)”.

Here was the set up:

Contains 3 seperate frequencies.
1 sweeps from 15Hz down to 10.6Hz (“Relaxed & Alert”)
2 fades in at 10.6Hz, and then sweeps down to 7Hz (“Astral Projection”)
3 fades in at 7Hz, and then sweeps down to 3.9Hz (“Lucid Dreams”)

Also, I’d just like to add, that frequencies 2 & 3 have constant pitches of 200Hz and 100Hz respectively, and while their frequencies are going down, frequency 1’s carrier keeps sweeping downwards to 300Hz (even though the frequency stays the same).

Funnily enough, I gave up and stopped listening to it when the third frequency was at 4Hz, just before it had got down to 3.9Hz. Maybe I need to shorten the time of it, because I really thought it had long since got down to the lowest.

Anyway, the state it put me into was like this: It made my body almost completely relaxed, but my mind felt like it was 100% alert. This is an interesting result, because that’s kind of within the region of what I want to achieve. The only problem was, no images or dreamlike thoughts or anything like that.

So, I think I’ll modify the frequencies a little, and shorten the time slightly. I was thinking, maybe towards the end of the preset, the 10.6 could move down a little? Maybe down to 9.8Hz (the bottom of the Alpha range labelled “Alertness”)? Also, instead of 7Hz and 3.9Hz, I might choose 6.5Hz and 4.5Hz, which are the two ends of the “Wakeful Dreaming” part of Theta.

Onward and upward…



It’s ok, it wasn’t your fault. At least I don’t think it was the preset’s fault.
I tried no 2 this afternoon when I tried to take a brief nap, but I couldn’t sleep.

I had a lucid dream last night. If you’d like to read about it, please go to my newly-created dream diary: [url]]

:happy: :angel_fly:
