Can medication affect lucid dreaming?

I used to LD nearly every night until my waking life was shaken up a bit 4 months ago. I now have the difficult task of enticing my lucidity back. I’ve been praticing for about a month now. I’ve started keeping a dream diary and thought I had nearly got my lucidity back until I increased the dosage of my anti-depressant a fortnight ago. Since then my dream recall is often poor because the anti-depressant is a mild sedative so by the time I wake up after a 11-12 hr sleep, I struggle to remember my dream. Every night I set my alarm clock to go off 6hrs after going to bed (because I was told that staying up for a little while aids lucidity) but I’m just way too sleepy to get up! I do MILD before sleeping but as soon as I go onto doing WILD, I’m so sleepy that I barely notice the hypnagogic state and drift off before getting a chance to do it! Can anyone suggest something? Should I skip taking my pill tonight and see what happens?

There is already several threads on medication and lucid dreaming.

mind and pills

here is one on SSRI 's

another on prozac.

Anyway, medication effects everyone differently. You did not say what type of antidepressant you are taking so it is hard to say for sure. Chances are it will just take some time for your brain to adjust to the new medication.

As you said, dream recall is harder with antidepressants, but it don’t seem to affect LDing abilities.
If you take a pill per day, you perhaps can take it in the morning, rather than before going to bed ?

Mirtazapine has a tetracyclic chemical structure and belongs to the piperazino-azepine group of compounds. Mirtazapine enhances central noradrenergic and serotonergic activity… does that help? :grin:
I could take it in the morning but then I’d be drowsy all day… :sad:

Remeron is known for it’s sedating effect and lots of people have reported vivid dreaming and/or nightmares when taking that medication. All you can do at this point is, wait and see what happens. If your lucid dreaming does not improve after a week or two then you might want to talk to your doctor about it.

My guess is that your lucid dreams will return once you get used to the medication.

Also, keep in mind that life stressors can interfere with lucid dreaming.

related question- does anyone know if “Copaxone” (glatiramer acetate) can affect dreaming?

I am not sure about that one. I did some quick research (nothing in-depth) at remidyfind.combut, no one reported any problems with dreaming. I would guess that you should not have any problems with lucid dreaming on that medication. Keep in mind that is a very uneducated guess. If I have more time later, I will research it more and see if I can come up with a better answer for you.

Some antibiotics also can block having lds!
You read then at the info on them that they can damage the nerves!

I did not know that!

That could well explain one of my dry spells! I never even considered it could be the antibiotics I was taking.

Which antibiotics block dreaming?

Mmm i had one have to look it up!
I changed hehe to other sort of antibiotics!
Yes milod some antibiotics can damage nerve system and can give dry spell for lds!

is one that does that!


Darn I can’t remember what the name of the antibiotic was. Then I switched to doxycycline (I think) and my LD’s came back. I did not put the two together till now.

Yes, I knew that antibiotics can cause nerve damage not to mention liver damage but, (for some reason) I never thought it would effect my dreams. You learn something new every day.

yes switched to doxycycline…same here, and switching to that antibiotic indeed my lds came back for me to!

now on new one already!
