Can you do this ?

Unlike many LDers, I had my most interesting ideas within dreams. Why ? Because all the ideas we could have during waking life are somehow related to logic.
Many things I do, I have never heard about another lucid dreamer doing them. Here I will propose some experiments. It is possible that some of you already had the idea of some of them. But I am quite confident that some others never came to your minds. :cool:

Easy level :

  • transfering your conscience into a DC (very easy in fact, but I don’t know why, nobody does it). The most powerful is the DC, the best it is (gods and demons are the best).
  • reversing directions : up becoming down, down becoming up (180°). Or horizontal plane becoming vertical plane (90°)
  • walking through the ground (why should we always walk through the walls ?).
  • Merging with elements : earth, fire, water and air (I said “merging” and not simply “walking through”).
  • creating and entering in a tornado (very impressive).
  • Projecting into a DC whatever image you want him to see.

Intermediate level :

  • Transforming a 3D dream into a 2D dream.
  • reducing the dream to the size of a matchbox, and zooming again into it, quickly or slowly (yourself being in some sort of dark place which I call “intermediate state”) :look:
  • Taking in your hand a distant object. For example you see a distant house, you take it between your fingers and then you have a little house in your hand (I know that some other people had the same idea but did not manage to do it, because it needs some control of space).
  • merging several dream characters into one, and separating them again.
  • Creating walls of sand or water (like in the Mummy).
  • Turning mountains into seas and seas into mountains (not difficult if the dream is not solid, but difficult if it is. Then you must control the dream’s solidity).

The most difficult :

  • making space to disappear, no more distance and directions (and no more dream of course).
  • breathing the dream in and out : when you breath in, it disappears inside you, when you breath out, it expands. :eek:
  • projecting oneself into multiple consciences.
  • Totally stopping the dream.

Well, as some of you are LDing every night, I am sure that we will soon read very interesting reports.
As you can imagine, I spent 3 years working on dream contents, and the 10 following years working on dream structures.

I like this forum. There are very good LDers here, with good abilities, and I think that some of you may have good results with the experiments above. Sometimes we just need to have the ideas. At least, I hope you will try “transfering conscience into a DC”, because that is GREAT (you may experience sensations you never imagined), and it is the key to the greatest abilities.

Hi flo :smile:

You seem to have some amazing skills! And you’re right… I’d never thought of some of these experiments :smile:

Hm let’s see…

I’ve almost succeeded in doing this with the sun. At first I imagined everything I saw was in fact a 2D projection on an invisible wall. Then I tried to pick up the sun with two fingers. This didn’t work at first but after some practice I thought I had something… but I woke up. I gave up trying afterwards.

Yeah this is cool :smile: I made a small wall of water some time while sailing on the sea.

That’s about everything from your experiments I’ve tried so far. I’m still working on dream stability and prolonging LDs (this will take some time). After this I might experiment a little more :smile:

I got sucked up into a tornado once in a ND. Fun stuff.

Personally, after waking up, I wouldn’t even consider trying something like that… :wink:

the things you say dont even begin to hit the surface of what (i believe) is possilbe in a lucid dream. Eventually, i think a person can become and see things completely unimaginable to the average mind.

Of course, I havent even attempted the easy things you suggested yet :smile:

hmm i’ve done a few of those things, but lots of them are things i’ve never thought of before! :smile:

I’ll go try if i can remember them lol

I stopped a dream once and went back in time, lol I just found out that this one is missing from my dream journal arg!

Phew, found it, it actually occured on april 6th lol. Well, here it is straight from my journal, man this ones scary, but being lucid whipe away all my fear, i mean ALL!

I was at the baech, then I saw this black magnum looign gun pointed at me, but far enough to dodge. So, then I said RUN!, And I picked up this unaware mom, and was like he has a gun. Then the mom’s kid was like what are you doing? … as he tugged at my swimming trunks. I said to the kid run, the dudes got a gun… I might of put the mom down, but I paused. And, I found I was dreaming and I was sure I knew, but I knew. Then, now I was really, REALLY pissed off. Then I just was like if I could do that again I kick that dudes ass!, then I wanted to go back so bad, that I did. Then, I went back in time before the incident and talked some crap to the criminals (dont remember if it was just one guy with partners or just one dude). I started to fight them, Then, im not sure when or how, but I was on some rope bridge on a very high and dark place. Then, I kicked the shit out of all the weaker deamons. Then, I found that the head demon could fight really good and was hard to attack, sort of like a boss on a video game. Then, I still tried to beat up the head demon, but he was harder and ended up trapeing me. Then, I could not move for like five seconds, and the scene changed the crazy teacher scene.

This crazy teacher scene was just another dream in my journal.

Its not difficult to stop time or travel in time man, you just have to want to do it enough and believe it can happen and it will!

Some of the things you mentioned do sound very interesting. Many I would not have thought of. I will definitely have to give some of these things a try. When I do I will post any results here.

Good Luck and Happy Dreaming

In fact I did not speak about going in the past and manipulating time because I know that many LDers can do it. My purpose was giving you unusual ideas.
Mystic, you seem good at space manipulation. Your method for picking up the sun was the right one, so I think you could succeed in transforming 3D dreams in 2D ones and then reduce the size of the dream.
The key is the same as for teleportation. After all, teleportation to a distant point is only taking a little element to make it bigger. Zooming on a part of the dream. It needs imagination being stronger than the existing scenery.

that’s not very hard in light trance (like LDing while being aware of body still) but the problem is the dream fades so much that you just end up imagining

You’re right. It is easy when the dream is fading, and difficult when it is bright and solid. So when you are with a great bright dream, the best way is to derealize it, change it, and make it real again.

LOL Yeah I think my arms are a bit short… Luckily we don’t have these kind of annoying problems in dreams :content:

If I did any of ur ideas my head might explode except the element thing that im sure I can do. Like one time I made this whole ocean hit this guy :content:

Easy level :

  • transfering your conscience into a DC (very easy in fact, but I don’t know why, nobody does it). The most powerful is the DC, the best it is (gods and demons are the best).
    Do you mean just entering their body? Or like swapping “minds” with them and just letting yourself do whatever they want to do? I tried it once, it didn’t work very well… but human anatomy is some of the most unreaslitic stuff of all in my dreams… unfortunately.

  • reversing directions : up becoming down, down becoming up (180°). Or horizontal plane becoming vertical plane (90°)
    I find this pretty easy with some imagination, if you want to walk up a wall, just imagine there is a camera looking at you, right beside you, and that it all of a sudden rotates… I came up with that idea non lucid and tried it out lucid, very fun/weird.

  • walking through the ground (why should we always walk through the walls ?).
    sunk into the ground… almost woke me up.

  • Merging with elements : earth, fire, water and air (I said “merging” and not simply “walking through”).
    I’ve never tried merging with anything, other than getting my hand stuck in a wall… sounds interesting.

  • creating and entering in a tornado (very impressive).
    sounds great, i love NDs when a gust of wind knocks me all over the place.

  • Projecting into a DC whatever image you want him to see.
    What would be the benefit of this?

Intermediate level :

  • Taking in your hand a distant object. For example you see a distant house, you take it between your fingers and then you have a little house in your hand (I know that some other people had the same idea but did not manage to do it, because it needs some control of space).
    This happned to me while skydiving last night, I kept approaching a skyscraper, intending to land on it, but it stayed small the whole time… i had to sort of jump scenes to get on top of it… i’ve never really done it intentionally though.

  • Creating walls of sand or water (like in the Mummy).
    did it with a swimming pool once, to save some people that were on fire.

The most difficult :

  • breathing the dream in and out : when you breath in, it disappears inside you, when you breath out, it expands.
    Wow, that sounds really cool.

  • projecting oneself into multiple consciences.
    ? Hmm… like, sort of like controlling a DC, but also, simultaneously being inside that DC and experiencing what it experiences? I’d love to do that… it sounds very hard.

  • Totally stopping the dream.
    freezing time you mean?

You have a lot of cool ideas… i’ll have to try some of these… i’ve told myself no LDing tonight though, I’m getting kind of fed up with it.

How could you get fed up with LDing? :tongue:

Most LDers stop after several years, because they find they don’t progress. I have met some who had 20 or 30 years experience, like Paul Tholey or Alan Worsley, but they are very rare.
The fact is that most LDers don’t find the path toward dream yoga.

Cool ideas! most of them I have attempted to do that… I’ll list them :wink: Quite interesting! :biggrin:

Easy level :

  • transfering your conscience into a DC (very easy in fact, but I don’t know why, nobody does it). The most powerful is the DC, the best it is (gods and demons are the best). If you counts integrating… then I’ve done that few times before… but if you means transferring my conscience completely into a being… no.
  • reversing directions : up becoming down, down becoming up (180°). Or horizontal plane becoming vertical plane (90°) I’ve done that… matrix style. Easy to accomplish. :wink:
  • walking through the ground (why should we always walk through the walls ?). I have went through the ground before… always end up into the entire different world
  • Merging with elements : earth, fire, water and air (I said “merging” and not simply “walking through”). It’s a rush!!! I have merged with earth, water, and air before. I don’t recall about fire though. Gives me a good energy when I wake up
  • creating and entering in a tornado (very impressive). One time I was in charge of all torandos while I was in one. It was… like being a POWERFUL god. It’s a rush!!! I love being sucked in a torando!
  • Projecting into a DC whatever image you want him to see. I’ve done that before… hehe I even transformed a being into an elf. :biggrin:

Intermediate level :

  • Transforming a 3D dream into a 2D dream. At will… no… but I was in a lucid dream where 3D dream transformed into a 2D dream
  • reducing the dream to the size of a matchbox, and zooming again into it, quickly or slowly (yourself being in some sort of dark place which I call “intermediate state”) mmm not sure if I did that before… I’ll attempt it later when I have a lucid dream :wink:
  • Taking in your hand a distant object. For example you see a distant house, you take it between your fingers and then you have a little house in your hand (I know that some other people had the same idea but did not manage to do it, because it needs some control of space). I have grabbed a star before and a moon. I even grabbed a sock in distance from doing that without having to walk toward it. It’s useful!
  • merging several dream characters into one, and separating them again. If it counts myself… I have been split in several clones and back in one… I don’t think I have attempted it on DC’s though.
  • Creating walls of sand or water (like in the Mummy). I have used sands/rocks and water before to create the wall. i even used air before… worked like a charm. :wink: But takes a lot of energy for some reasons
  • Turning mountains into seas and seas into mountains (not difficult if the dream is not solid, but difficult if it is. Then you must control the dream’s solidity). I accomplished it in a boardline of hypnogia imagery and dream… hard to explain… easy to change, but I haven’t attempted it when it was solid and vivid

The most difficult :

  • making space to disappear, no more distance and directions (and no more dream of course). Yup… I use that if I want to induce a deeper trance… always amazing to experience! :biggrin:
  • breathing the dream in and out : when you breath in, it disappears inside you, when you breath out, it expands. I never thought of that… interesting…
  • projecting oneself into multiple consciences. I’ve done that before. :smile: It’s my nature… and one of my fav. things to do in a LD.
  • Totally stopping the dream. I have done that before and I also travelled to the past and also to the future. It’s fun. :biggrin:

What path would that be? What’s dream yoga?

I’m fed up with LDing because:

*I do the stupidest things and get lost in the boring plots of my dreams, get lost with things that I KNOW ARE NOT REAL, and KNOW THAT I SHOULD KNOW BETTER… but I guess … I don’t know… I just go with it for some reason… something to do.

*You can get bored with anything if you do enough of it.

*It gets better when I take a break, and my overall lucidity levesl tend to increase.

*I feel like I’m in a rut right now, my recall is bad, all my dreams are boring.

*Most of my LDs are not full lucidity right now…

*I need to learn to LD at the beginning of an REM cycle rather than the end of it.

*Forcing myself to LD a lot can drain me if I go against normal sleeping patterns.

So yeah… I mean… last night I tried to enter hypnagogia while conscious, I tried for too long and couldn’t get to sleep until 2… and then I didn’t sleep well afterward.

I think it’s just time for a break. I won’t object to lucidity if it manages to come to me spontaneously, but I won’t try to WILD or care about my dreams at all.

I’d actually like to not dream at all for a week or so, just get solid instantaneous restful sleep.

holy reality

In stead of controlling every part of your dream you could try and just give your dream a gentle push in the direction you want it to go in and see what your subconscious comes up with (just change little things). It can be very entertaining :smile:

You could also try meditation in the LD. I have not tried it yet ( I am still to worried that it would wake me up) but, I hear it is an amazing experience.

Perhaps a break from LD ing will be helpful to you. I don’t know your posts sound like you are struggling with a lot of frustration in regards to LD ‘ing. ( Not exactly right I know but I am not really sure how else to word it).

Maybe try and do something different with your LD’s. In stead of trying to play out a script do something like see what it would be like to be a bird or a fish or something like that. Actually turn yourself into something else and see if you can really feel what it is like to be one of these things.

I am sure you will soon find ways to make LD ing exciting for you again.

I hope things get better for you.

Good luck