'Chaos Cloud' headed for earth, ETA 2014?

this should SO belongs in “weekly world news”. if anyone doesnt know what that is, it is basically a little newspaper thing sold in shopping centers telling things like “martha stewart is a alien” and “bitfoot found taunting hikers”. stuff like that. but i duno, seems fake to me but hell, we dont have proof against it now do we?

That’s exactly where the story originated, as shown in the first post at the top of this page. :smile:

I want to catch one of theese clouds in a bottle. I wonder how much one would pay for it :dream:

i will give you seven euros for half a pint

NASA should make an official statement distancing themselves from this story because this kind of event isnt really all that far-fetched. If it is a hoax (which looks very likely) then I personally don’t think it’s a very clever or funny one…

Are the scientists quoted actually real scientists? Isnt this just a slanderous piece of disinfo?

EDIT: Heheh although I think I just got the bit about “mangled information can distort matter”. Very clever (what with the piece itself being a piece of mangled information).

it would
A: dissolve the bottle…and your hand
B: be worth gazillions on the arms market…but if anyone uses it it would destroy earth
C: be mine coz i wanted it first :tongue:

Lol… Claims like chaos clouds composed of Hawking radiation dissolving everything on their path, or scientists proposing we should build a space ark to flee to the Andromeda Galaxy as a last rescue hope, are pretty far-fetched I’d say (for the last claim for instance, it would take a zillion years to get there).

I sincerely hope that NASA hasn’t lost its trust in humanity’s intelligence in so much that it needs to make an official statement to distance themselves from a utterly ridiculous story.

Sounds like something from a 1950’s forror film :content:
When I read about jumping into a spaceship and running to Andromeda, it kind of tipped me off to it’s untruthfulness. By the time we’d get there we’d have run out of room, or food, or enerygy, or there would be such a generation gap that no one would remember where we were going anyway :tongue:

“hey…where are we going again?”
“…ummmm…well…we’re floating through space 692748367400000 miles from anywhere…let alone a planet that can support life”
“yeh but…where are we going?”
“yeah me neither…oh and we’re out of canned beans”

:lol: :rofl:

It would be a journey I would rather stay home for :tongue:

It would be a journey I’ld take anyday, provided I have a spaceship that can travel close enough to the speed of light or some way to suspend aging and slow my brain down a bit.

you need a spaceship to slow down your brain?!? mine does that all by itself! ;o)

it makes me sad that people are taking tabloid articles so seriously. also makes me doubt certain peoples credibility from here on out… i still cannot tell if lebo is joking or not. :o|


I didnt know about the unreliability of the source and, as Atheist pointed out, the article does mention NASA and specific scientists, giving it an air of authenticity.

I think anybody who immediately dismissed the article is as guilty of bad thinking as anybody who immediately accepted it. But yeah, right now I’m not thinking it is for real at all. Tabloids shouldnt be able to just lie like they do and call it ‘news’.

So you’re saying we first need to seriously think about claims like building spaceships to flee to the Andromeda Galaxy because Earth will be destroyed by chaos clouds consisting out of Hawking radiation from black hole remnants, before dismissing it eventually? Are you serious? I guess you’d also consider the theory that the Nazis are still alive in an underground base on Antarctica where they, with the aid of American intelligence agencies, contacted an alien civilization living inside this Earth which in fact is hollow, as a plausible theory?

I didn’t want to say anything, but if you know your astronomy I bet you could dismiss it right off the bat if you really wanted to.

Exactly my point :smile:

nah, im sure they dismissed it when they got to “space ark” part, or perhaps didnt see a big glob of dust hurdling through the night sky sucking stars away… near the speed of light, theoretically impossible if you ask me, or half the astrophysicists in the world - anyhow… you should have seen the pictures that went along with this article! it was outstanding… they really helped for the credibility too… gotta get things in their entirety you see?
as most researchers, or people-who-afraid-their-planet-could-be-destroyed-by-dustists, one tends to check the source of any material to verify its integrity. justa habbit… why just the other day the wwn ran something that was picked up by yahoo news stating a couple had scheduled their newly adopted son for a sex change surgery… something that would have ticked me off a tad, had i not seen the [size=200]WWN[/size] in the top corner of the page.

dont quite know what kind of tyranny you are running 'round your neck of the woods… but here we call that freedom of speech… WWN, as does any other tabloid, clearly states on the inside cover that the magazine is for “entertainment purposes only”, and then something along the lines of “we make half this stuff up” see lebo… NOT news.
(you have to click all of TWO times to be able to read the same disclaimer from yahoo’s run of the story)
I always get quite a laugh from the tabloids, i love the 2.99 chuckle they bring.
good to see you are against freedom of speech apparently due to the fact that you had the wool pulled over your eyes once or twice… suck it up, and read the fine print.


oh and lebowski… giants are invading too

The probobility is slim to none…But after watching Hitchhickers guide to the galaxy, I’m scared :help:

Hey, Atheist has already said the information regarding Black holes in the article was accurate. It also references NASA and real scientists. Take those out of the equation and I wouldnt have given it a second look.

My bad for actually trusting in nationally approved authorities on subjects I’m hardly a specialist in.

I’m not against freedom of speech just libellous slander. I’m from the UK so I know a thing or two about the fucking tabloids mate.

So you got dooped, it happens to the best of us :tongue: