'Chaos Cloud' headed for earth, ETA 2014?

And Mystic: no, I don’t rule out hollow earth theory. So call me crazy or exceptionally open-minded, your call. :tongue:

Crazy people always call themselves normaI, so I think I’ll just call you exceptionally open-minded :wink:

Well, its a very beautifully written joke I tell you that. Whoever wrote it – props. I’ll have to admit though, it had me shooken up for a few minutes. I could actually visualize this happening.

If it is indeed a joke, why would the writer waste their time writing an article that has the potential for publication in USA Today, you know? They must’ve gotten paid for that.

BTW, Lebowski, great post. It’s a good read even it is joke, which more than likely isnt, due to the fact that it is a yahoo link.

We humans can be so naive.

Yeah… I try not to get my scientific information from a source with a “Page Five Girl”. It’s a little policy I’ve develloped over time.

I got it from Yahoo! and i have no idea why they put up articles from tabloid scum.

Seriously, someone should shut whoever wrote that down because they’ve just gone out and fabricated quotes from NASA and leading scientists. It’s complete bullshit.

If you send them an email telling them how you feel, they might take the article off the web, or refrain from posting such a thing in the future. :ok:

If there realy is a strange cloud ting with stupid name out there.
Blast the howl ting awey with a storm of atom bombs.

About the dust thing… HOw about sumone just email Nasa about it and ask them ???

I don’t think its unrealistic to believe something like that really exists somewhere in the universe. How much do humans know about the universe? Maybe we can see galaxies millions of lightyears away, but what about billions or trillions?

I didn’t feel like reading the other posts so I don’t know if this is in here… This article was taken from “Weekly World News” a joke magazine… I love goin out and buying it for laughs. My favorite was always Batboy (especially when they said he was voted to be the president).
SO DON’T WORRY!!! :tongue:

I’m not worried about the cloud. We already have plenty of chaos without it. What are the chances we’ll make it to 2014 with the Shrub still in office for the next few years? Anyone want to go quail hunting? And while we’re at it, hasn’t anyone wondered about that little ironic twist? I mean, Quayle is a Republican, too!

