Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming - CALD Part II

Then could you just tell me what praying is about?

Ok, ok. I’ll stop! :wink:


lol Hapexamendios, a classic :cool: .

We better stop though before Talon rips us both limb from limb lol. That would hurt…

Characters in your world aren’t generic and no-faced are they? Mine, dreams or otherwise, are all just as complex as Mandy, I just gave her the control and ability to watch through my eyes lol.

Perhaps mine are so complex because I made it to be a socially constructed consensus reality…Yes, that might just be the reason. Hmm, perhaps I should look into it further.

Lol, nameless, now I am sure. I know exactly what it is. That “character” is surely just an intention. Think about it. Intentions alone aren’t complex enough when made into a mental “character” to take up a name. Their mental complexity simply does not support it.

I really can’t comprehend using a “generic” character for CALDing…even my simplest of dream characters are hopelessly complex. Every character has a history, personality, occupation, set of likes and dislikes based on this personality, and many more things.

By the way guys, bid farewell to Celestia as you all know it. I am scrapping the world. I am leaving it for now, until I create the new one. Then all of the Celestian people will move to the new world. By the way, I am talking about Celestia as in the whole world, not just the city lol.

First I am going to get major geographic features, climate, global history, and other details of strategic importance. Once this is complete, the details of the world will be developed by gradually focusing on smaller and smaller details, such as continents, civilizations, nations, cities, and towns. Then I go on to the culture, social structure, government, politics, commerce, and history of each different civilization/nation.

Then I move on to the minor geographic features. This is basically the process where I detail the world itself. After I have all major and minor geographic features, I am going to run it through a sophisticated program I am trying to write (very hard to write it though, alot of fractal algorithms) that can apply geologic effects such as tectonic plate movement and the erosion due to climate and water flow.

Of course, the interaction of these groups becomes an important factor in the history and development of the world. A history will be constructed to explain the current circumstances of the various nation-states, including the location of the borders and the various alliances and enmities.

Then I hope to develop detailed astronomical parameters for the orbit of the world, and to define the physical characteristics of the other bodies in the system. This will establish chronological parameters, including the length of the day and the durations of the seasons. This can lead to cultural aspects of time-keeping, including names for sub-divisions of the calendar and important anniversaries.

I don’t want this world I have now. Celestia in its current state is not a complex world, it’s barely a world at all. Now, sure, it’s complex compared to most other mentally created worlds, but I want a really complicated one that really is a world of its very own. Wish me luck, you guys, this is gonna be a LONG ride :wink: .

P.S. Talon, the Arian Islands should still exist, though it will be bigger. Of course, this planet has MANY different beings living everywhere. That will only be about 1/250th or so of the actual world.

But, also, to honor you giving me the idea of the whole character creation/world creation thing, the third planet from my solar system’s sun will forever be known as Talon Arana. Here is a description directly from my notes.

Planet 3: Talon Arana
Talon Arana is the 3rd planet from the sun. It was originally created from a magic cataclysm created when a really powerful human magician tried to break into the Celestian Capitol building. Celestian security forces tried and succeeded in stopping him, but a terrible cataclysm resulted. When the magician tried to stop the security forces, he released amounts of magical energy more powerful than any other release of energy ever recorded in Celestian history. Friendly magicians came to help the Celestian security forces, and repelled the energy. There was so much of it, however, that they had to repell it off of the planet. All of it came together, and formed a planet that would soon be named Talon Arana. Talon Arana is a planet composed entirely of magical energy, so densly packed that it formed a solid surface. Because of its magical properties, plant life thrives on Talon Arana. Currently, however, the only life that resides on Talon Arana are Nymphs.

Well, that covers that lol. Wait till I show you guys the fancy 3D rendered pictures I created. That will be awhile though lol.

Aww I’m not that mean am I…?

XD Yes-- my thought-characters (if you want to call them that) are generic and faceless. They reside in Mindpsace only, though. Aria is more complex, but I chose not to populate it past my own characters-- I won’t think of her as an intention just yet… she is more like mental art to me right now, and I don’t want to disturb that.

You are quite amazing-- your world seems so wonderflluy complex, is that what you will do now, create infinitely realistic mind worlds for your amusement…? It’s all quite startling and encouraging… XD~

In awe!

Ahh! blushes you are too kind… laughs I was giddy for a few days after I knew the Arian islands were named after Aria… :3 It still makes me smile, I am glad it’s still there-- the fact you’d ever think of it is flattering enough…

But a planet? ~^^~ it makes me very joyful… thank you…~^^~
It sounds nice…^^ I am so overwhlemed with joy XD~

Utterly and completely flattered,

unfortunately, my 3D rendering is so complex that no image hosting site will host it lol. Still finding one that might work, I’ve tried about 16 so far…


XD Aww… Why not try taking screen shots of it from different angles? It may prove impossible to find a right site unless you make your own…

Don’t worry! You’ll be ok XD

~Talon! ^^~

I’m going to completely recreate the image and try again, be back in 5 mins lol.

XDD Uhmm~ Ok! XD

oh no, the fractoral algorithms crashed. Gotta rewrite and resize. Back in 10 mind now lol…

XD Alright then! Just take your time ^^~ I’m sure evryone wants to see this, well-- me at least XD

still isn’t uploading…its a bitmap image, imageshack should accept that…on to photobucket

XDD Cool-- My last drawn out (outdated) map of Aria/mindspace was bitmap too ^^

We await!~


Photobucket accepted it. … Island.jpg

When the image appears, right click the picture and select “Refresh Picture with Full Quality” from the menu that will appear.

I created this image from scratch. This one was a pain to create, but turned out well. Note the distorted reflection of the mountain in the water and the soft ripples in the waves.

Happy that it finally worked.

… O____O
Oh wow!
That’s totally amazing! XD~ ^^It’s so beautiful!

I have so little too-- How did you do that…?

~Talon! O___O

Look to your right and you can select my other pictures. They aren’t as good, they were beta testing pictures. I did that by computing a few programs for the wave ripple and mountains, and reflections. Add a cloud generator and a few other things, and I was set. Quite alot of work, but it was a blast.

Now I will upload more, wait 3 mins lol, I have several more.

XDD Alright then!
What wonderful things you have made…^^~

Wow! That’s cool! O-o~
But… what do you mean look to your right? O-o;

4 more on the way, it’ll be about 3-5 mins, I’m on dial-up lol…