Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming...CALD part VIII

Thanks mattias :smile: I have been pleasantly surprised at how eager to help Jet seems to be.

Has anyone noticed that their characters evolve as you keep working with them? At first I thought Jet was a tough, silent, stony sort of person. As I’ve talked with her more, I’ve discovered that she has an obstinate streak and she clams up when she’s uncomfortable, but other than that she’s a friendly, chatty person. Interesting…

Wow, been gone so long…

Hi, tinyninja! nice to meet you! and yesm a character’s personality does evolve over time.

I neglected talking to Tsi’leik and jessica for a month, because whenever Tsi’eik tried to talk to me, i was taking a test or notes. He just a few minutes ago talked to me for the first time in a month. Apparently, he had been trying to ask me to make him a place where he can stay while not talking to me or just watching the world (think talon’s “mindspace”). Scince i shooed him away the 5th time he talked to me at a bad time, he went ahead and made his mindspace himself. So his mindspace has become Pandora. Jessica I have not heard from, although Tsi’eik says she is in her own mindspace.

Tereaflare, i’m gonna have to try to visualize my characters.

Psst Ninja, Kupo offers her tree. :wink: Has Tsi’eik been able to return to his home?

Hi. Im new at the forum, and I have been about 3 months in my quest for lucidity.
So far I’ve had 2 or 3 LD with very low ludicidy and lasting no more than 1 minute, and lots of sleep paralysis (actually I don’t know how to enter a lucid dream from SP)
Actually Im trying to master the WILD teachique, and Chaining seems to be work the best for me. But I’m also very courious about CALD.

I have been developing my character since october, after a very interesting dream where I met her. Now she is fully developed. Her name is Victoria. But I have a problem.
I can’t interact with her. When I try to talk with her she seems very puppet-like, and altough I have been trying for a month, I can’t see improvements.

So I need some advice to improve my interaction with Victoria.


You could always hit up the character chat topic in the playground. I’m sure you could find a way for her to flow. Just let it be natural. =O I’m sure you’ll find her.

Ohh thank you very much.

Wow. I’ve been away from this topic for quite a while.

Haven’t really talked to my characters much because I’ve been depressed recently and I haven’t been in the mood to do so.
But I have something to report with the visualisation thing.

This morning; I fell asleep into a dream without me realising it and when I become lucid, everything went really blurry and had small amounts of SP. It felt really relaxing, but then it eventually became aggressive and my body shot with virbations.
The worst thing was, I felt a hand tickle me and I was ‘being tortured’ by a hallucination tickling me.
It lasted half a minute, and when I woke up I visualised myself touching objects. I lost concentration, and I visualised a completely different scene. This time, I could actually see the image vividly in my mind, and I could control it. I was about to hop into a LD (from what I hear you can go straight into a lucid from visualisating straight after waking up) when I began having tactile hallucinations and it scared me so much I snapped out of it.

I’m definitely trying again tomorrow morning.

Try to have fun while having those sensations, Just the same way you can enjoy a roller coaster - you feel an adrenalin rush!
I simply love it. :smile:

Hi everybody, Im here to share a little trick/teachique that I posted in DEILD topic and they told me to post it here too. It might help you all, specially to Teraflare8866.

This is mainly for those who have problems during transition phase, Sleep paralysis, hallucinations, etc.

First, when you get into the transition phase, and you can feel a vivid enough HI or even HH you must relax, but don’t forcing it because is like trying to exstingish fire with gasoline. Just enjoy the experience, remember that isn’t harmfull, and the most important part, think positive.

Second, with your eyes closed ask your character to come and sit on you (yes I know that it sound weird).
Try to imagine how does it should feel like, and if you do it right, you should start to feel his/her weight on you. (This is easy because of the HH).
And then, start to talk with him/her. Don’t move. Don’t open you mouth. Do everything with your mind. Visualize him/her, but again, don’t force anything.
If everything goes allright, suddenly you will realize that you are in a lucid dream, and your character will be already with you!

The main objetive of this teachique is to distract yourself and have your mind occuped so you can’t start wandering and end thinking about scary stuff and have HH about them.

Remember, HH can be controled and you can have very vivid and funny conversations with your char during the transition face. Don’t fear it. Just enjoy it. :happy:

I know what you mean - once I felt like I falling through the sky at 200mph. It definitely felt like a roller coaster :smile: It was more exciting than scary, when I realised what was happening.
Not only can SP be exciting, but it can be quite relaxing.

Thanks a lot, I’ll try this on my next attempt (maybe tomorrow morning, if I have time). The character visualisation thing sounds like a great idea, because I’ve been struggling to visualise a whole scene because that’s quite difficult when I first wake up.

The section that I’ve highlighted in bold was the part I definitely agree about.
Sometimes when I’m daydreaming my mind wanders and creates scenarios (e.g. Scary Scenarios) that make it harder to daydream/visualise, and sometimes enough to put me off.
Once I was in an LD, and I immediately thought of something bad. I quickly distracted myself with the dream, and I forgot about the bad thought and had a great lucid.

I had another attempt this morning after waking up, and had SP (I always get sleep paralysis if I sleep on my left side for some reason). It was quite relaxing, and tried to visualise a scene, but I lost the ability to (like I mentioned earlier in this post, it’s kinda hard for me to visualise in the morning).
When I tried to move, that’s when I got frightened.
If you lay still during sleep paralysis and stay relax, it will be less scary (from my experience).

When I awoke, I moved my hand a lot which I think messed the attempt up a bit.
I layed still for 5 minutes, and then my hearing changed. I could hear a slightly higher frequency buzz, like when everything is dead silent and you pay attention to your hearing (I hope you get what I mean).
A few minutes later I then began visualising my scene. Soon, I felt as if the scene was getting more vivid and my legs began to feal heavy. My arms and head were tingling a bit, which eventually spread to my legs.
After some more visualising I actually felt like the scene I was visualising was happening right next to me, in the waking world. I couldn’t hear anything and the scene wasn’t THAT vivid, but I definitely felt close.
When I felt really close, my heart began to pound faster and harder and it made me loose concentration. I couldn’t sit still because it got so intense, and then I snapped out of it.

I rolled over onto my right side and tried again but got nowhere.
I just tried to fall asleep but nothing.

Interesting…will try again tomorrow morning with the knowledge from other posts.

Why don’t you try to use DEILD? It may solve all your problems.
I think that you have problems with keep a visualization for a long period of time.
If you use DEILD, in less than 1 minute of visualization an scenario or you character you will be in a lucid drem.

I’m very interested in CALD, It seems both entertaining and beneficial. However, it seems like its pushing me in the path of going crazy. :eek: That thought is keeping me from doing it, any words of advice? Maybe someone here can help me clear things up :smile:

Don’t be afraid about trying this teachique.
CALD isn’t harmfull, and can’t affect you unless you are already crazy or have something like schizophrenia.

Actually, it can be benefical for your life. You will never feel lonely again. It can help with your memory and it will boost your LDreaming progrses.

Give it a try.

Creating characters is not harmful at all. Good authors use similar methods to create vivid characters for their books all the time! I’m with JorgeLTE; CALD won’t affect you unless you are already mentally ill. You are in control of your mind, and you can send the characters away if they are making you too uncomfortable.

Thanks, that definitely makes me feel better! I think I will give it a shot :smile:

:content: no problem. If you have any other questions let me know :cool:

Nice to see all of our new faces. I’m back again after LD4all forgot to tell me there were new posts. Actually, I think I’ll change my notification settings a bit, see if that helps. To Threthedj, as was said, CALD won’t make you go insane or give you any push in that direction. Your character is a sentient being that exists in the mental plane, and just as long as you don’t get the mental and physical worlds mixed up you won’t have any problems. Also, as Tiny pointed out, authors do it all the time.

@Jorge: That technique is definitely worth a try. I think I’ll go ahead and give it a shot when I get a chance. Thanks for sharing it.

Things haven’t been so good for me with CALD lately. As of a week or two ago, I suddenly lost my connection completely to my characters, and I’ve not been able to get it back. I’m sure it’ll work itself out with time, though, and I still have Chameal (who isn’t a character designed for CALD, but rather a roleplay character who ‘came to life’) to work with in the mean time.

How does one mix up the physical and mental worlds? Is it a common occurrence? I’m pretty level headed so I probably shouldn’t worry about it but I am curious haha

Welcome again Wolvendeer.

I hope you can recover your connection. Im sure about you can do ti.

Is when you can’t distiguish the worlds anymore.
You can’t tell if what you see is physiscal any more.

Obioiusly this is very uncommon if your mind is healthy. So don’t worry. :smile: