DEILD - Dream Exit Induced Lucid Dream

Hi to everybody.
I have been trying this teachique during this week and havent been so close to a lucid dream never before. I just have one problem. One big problem.
After I wake up, I dont move, Dont open my eyes, and I feel the paralysis in my body, but I think that it is not strong enough or is just partial paralysis, and I try to relax and get into a dream but I can’t. Any advice? Also the swalling reflex get in the way -.-

When you awake, JorgeLTE, you are already relaxed, so the only thing you should do is getting distracted from your body in some way, like gently thinking “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming”… the relaxation has to happen more in the mind, as the body already is limp. It should also take very little, so don’t act on anything, don’t expect anything, just watch yourself as you fall asleep again.
Good luck! :smile:

When I get into SP I always try to visualize a dream, because there is no HI at all. I try to visualize a place, how does it feel to stand there, etc. But I have never tried to just lie there and relax, because I think that I will fall asleep normally and have a ND.

So when you are in sleep paralysis and you fall sleep you will always have a lucid dream?

Also I want to try the teachique about try to “feel” someone sitting in you and interact with him. Have you ever tried it?

Well, relaxing is a necessary step in falling asleep :tongue: you just have to do that consciously, that is not that hard at all if you’re already very close to the threshold, like in SP, and while DEILD’ing. There’s always the matter of keeping aware, but it’s easily done as you just focus on nothing in particular as your body the (short) process of falling asleep for good, maybe just passively watch HI as it develops. The point is, you have to find a point of focus that lets yo do the whole thing smoothly, that lets you being aware without interfering with the process of falling asleep. When you do that, congrats, you’ve learned how to WILD :wink: Man, the repetitions :tongue:

Also, could you explain that last technique more in detail? Where did you hear of it?

Thank youtosxy.

I heared that teachique in the first page of this topic.
When you are in sleep paralysis, you imagine and try to feel someone sitting int the top of you (may be your character or someone you like), and interact with him, taliking in your mind. You should fall into a lucid dream and you don’t have to summon your char because its already with you . :happy:

JorgeLTE, you should definitely join theCALD conversation and tell other people about your technique :content:
Best wishes! ^^


Ok I will post it in the CALD forum. :happy:

Ohhhh… and I have another cuestion.

I have a lot of problem with alarms clocks, its really hard to don’t move when they wake up me. So I need some advice to wake up during the night without an alarm clock. I have heard abouth autosuggestion and mantras, could somebody explain me how to use them?

The goal is to set the intention to wake up on time. The easiest way I’ve found to do this is to “remind” myself throughout the day and as I’m going to bed that I will wake up at whatever time. I say remind myself because that seems to be a bit more powerful than just telling myself. It needs to be an actual goal, otherwise your SC may not pick up the intention.

Also, another way I’ve used DEILD is using the mantra “when I have finished a dream, I will not move when I wake up.” This works pretty well, since you normally wake up after a dream. The natural urge is to roll over or shift around, but if you repeat this as you fall asleep, there is a better chance you’ll remember to stay still.

I hope that was clear enough, if you have more questions let us know :content:

Just wanted to point out… This method is awesome! I have had a total of 7 LD’s right now and 2 of them were achieved using this method in a matter of one week. Not to mention the total amount of chains I used to stay in these dreams and every single one of them was successful. The process itself is extremely fast and only once in these chains I experienced SP.

Now I have to make up a mantra that’ll have something to do with not moving after waking up.

I tried to do this from a normal dream today. I didn’t open my eyes and I tried to pictures the dream’s last scene again. I fell unconcious after, like, 30 min.

I like this technique, seems easier than WILD.
But how can you train yourself not to move when you wake up?
I’ve tried but i don’t think about it until I’ve gotten up to write in my DJ then it suddenly hits me that i didn’t stay still.

It’s different from a person to person, I never had problem to stay still, and first I used to open my eyes, but just on a sec, more like a peek :smile:, but you, it seems that you will need to practice a little more…just be persistent, and don’t give up easily!!

I like this technique - I’ve had success with it twice. I prefer it over WILD, because it’s much quicker and it’s more interesting.

The first time was when I woke up and I had HI from the dream I just had. I layed still, and I went into SP. After 5-10 seconds of calming down (it can be a bit startling for me when I first enter), I began visualising a dream scene. This can be hard, but I visualise the scene I was last in. After 20 seconds, I realised I was standing up. I slowly opened my eyes, and realised I was dreaming.
The thing I really love about this technique is that the LDs you produce from DEILD are so much more vivid than regular DILDs. When I entered the dream, I was completely shocked at how realistic my dream was. When I entered the dream, it began to go unstable. After keeping calm and rubbing my hands for 5-10 seconds, the dream was stable again and had a 10-15 minute LD.

The 2nd time was when I didn’t realise I was awake, and I entered SP. I couldn’t think of a scene to visualise, but all of a sudden I began visualising me standing outside my house. Half a minute later - I appeared outside my house. It was very vivid - I could feel the wind, and the sun, and could see very clearly (like I’ve never seen before in a dream apart from the last DEILD). Again, I had to stabilise at the start but managed to keep the dream stable.
I lost lucidity within 5 minutes, but it was incredible experiencing a dream with vividness that’s comparable to real-life.

I keep forgetting to summon my character when I’m in SP - If I recall I talked to you about this with you in the CALD thread.
Next time I try DEILD, I will summon my character as well as visualising a familiar scene. :happy:

This is very interesting… and makes so much sense. It’s also very easy to wake up immediately after a dream… you just tell yourself to do this before going to sleep… pretty amazing how our SC always obeys hehe. I’ll try this tonight and post results tomorrow.

After a while of using this technique I can say that I’ve been successful only the times I was lying on my stomach. Weird.

hmm I realized it was pretty difficult to wake up with your eyes closed. I had like 7 dreams yesterday all of which I woke up after having them and in absolutely all of them I opened my eyes. I became lucid in two of them but it was through DILDs… any tips on how to wake up with your eyes closed?

Even if you opened eyes it doesn’t mean that you won’t achieve DEILD, because first time when I tried DEILD I’ve opened my eyes, and then just closed them and repeated mantra, once or twice, and before I knew I was in a dream… and I was lucid from a start, but ofc I’ve done 2 RC’s just to be sure :wink:


Yea, don’t worry about opening your eyes, as long as you get back to sleep relatively quickly you’ll have no problem. I’ve even set alarms, turned it off, wrote down a shorthand of my dream, and was still able to enter that same dream. This is probably subjective, but i’m always incredibly tired when waking up during the night (so much so that concentration can be a problem), so getting back to sleep is the easiest.

Oooh. I found the DEILD topic. /me blows the dust off it

Anyone still look at this?