This topic should be stickied… What popularity it’s gained in such a short amount of time, Talon ^^
(Theoretical physics, Tribemaker? Advanced for your age, I see. Yes, so much free time… what to do with it all? Perhaps we can speak on M-theory or dark energy/Einstein’s Cosmological Constant some time…)
It’s nice to see so many people are interested in this topic. And, I agree on all you’re interested in on this “project”, Tribemaker. (It would seem Talon is The expert ^^) Personally, Harlequin/Moulin Rouge speaks in her own distinct voice. I’m making exceptional progress, by the way. Rouge seems to have taken on life of her own, a little. Perhaps because of her original nature as a DC…
If you don’t mind me answering some of your questions, Tribemaker - just from my perspective - I believe the time it takes to truly develop a character is possibly a lifelong endeavor - they grow with you - but, if you’re wondering “in general” how long it takes before they begin to behave on their own accord, it probably depends on the person. Talon seems to have been doing this for several years. Myself… I’ve worked with characters for many years because of my writing and drawing, so this divergent method came naturally, almost. But, I also think it depends on the nature of the character, which there is a multitude of - the major categories being consciously created and subconsciously created…
For me, both categories of characters have their pros and cons: consciously created characters are more difficult to work with because at their genesis, you must do virtually everything for them. They also take the most time, relatively, to solidify in appearance/personality. Preconceived notions about how you think the character should, or how you want him/her to behave and respond can also vex you into depression when you cannot “get it right” -.- On the plus side, however, consciously created characters are better conformed than subconscious characters - they’re basically like Play-Doh; because you deliberately thought them into existence, the conscientious work it takes to concretely establish them can actually be used advantageously to easily alter appearance, temperament, etc.
A subconscious character - a DC for example - is not so easily malleable. (Of course, it’s assumed that if you chose a DC, you would not wish to do too much altering.) An SC character is sometimes… stubborn. Giving them acknowledgement also gives them that much more of an “existence”. Because they are “born” separate of your conscious mind and with a [semi-]specific appearance and personality, they’re immediately intelligible and capable of… well… messing with you, if they feel like it. (More evidently in dreams. I’ve had no problems IWL…) A DC does what s/he wants. A DC just brings more “risk”, basically. However, they require considerably less work in creation. (Really, it’s just a matter of recalling your dreams and selecting a compatible DC… almost like an online dating service ^^) And, if you are both on good terms, they can communicate with/help you quicker than a consciously created character.
That’s just a general overview…
A world… a world for my characters… I just let them traipse around in whatever world comes to mind. Basically, the dreamscape. It keeps things interesting. I wonder what worlds Rouge will conceive… (She’s been calling herself Rouge all day. I suggested a few other names that she rejected. She tried out the name “Poison” because of a song I was listening to, but discarded it soon after the song was over. She also likes trying out other characters’ names… I don’t mind - she’s completely opposite my personality and actually fun ^^)