Cherriey's Experiments with Sleep (method log)

moved from dream diary forum :moogle:

I decided not to put this in my dream diary as that is reserved for interesting dreams. Here I will give details (mostly physical) of what I did before sleep and so on and the results. I want to see what exactly effects dreams.

Also, sharing the results with other people will hopefully give me the added incentive to keep it up. =0)

I look forward to reading your results and trying them if they work your you.

I’m trying music right now… mostly those with higher pitches than the lucidity remix cd. Dad sleeps in the next room and can ONLY hear low pitches.

Kind of funny really. If we don’t want him to know what we’re saying we just talk like mice. heh. The cd however drives him batty and he can’t sleep. He has thus forbidden me to use it until I leave the house in several months.

Last night (4-7-07) I took a Super B-Complex with some water around fifteen to twenty minutes before getting in bed. I took a shower, turned a slow song on my cd player very low and laid back in bed. I focused on the color purple (the color, not the movie). I envisioned it in my head, saw it on things in various shades. If anything invaded into my focus I’d merely paint the scene purple (while repeating the word to myself) as it played itself out.

The result:

No purple. If I had a dream with purple in it I’d have known it. I did however have a long dream (long considering the dreams I’ve been having lately) that I found rather interesting and will post in my DJ.

Tonight: I plan on taking varying my routine only by taking out the cd. Perhaps a noiseless (virtually) environment will help somewhat. I look to see what this will turn up. At the very least my focus skills will improve. =0)

Results from 4-8-07:

Still no purple. Perhaps I’m slipping in focus? Did the cd make it easier to focus? I still got a fairly lengthy dream with a bit of flying in it but not as good as the previous night.

Tonight: A different approach entirely. Upon listening to a lucid trance cd I will then go to bed focusing on a few things to do when I become lucid (i.e. moon quest, gain more control, visit Atlantis). I’ll probably throw in a bit of purple focus out of habit… then again maybe I should focus on another color? Blue? Red? Ack! I frequently get bodies of water in my dreams so perhaps blue. Anyhow, I’ll let you know the results tomorrow.

Results from 4-9-07:

Again, no purple but I only spared a few stray thoughts for it as I went to sleep. No Super B this time and the only cd was listening to the lucid trance tack (about half an hour) once before turning it off and going to sleep. Interestingly enough it seemed to take longer to get to sleep after that. This could just be due to anticipation though. I had one (that I can remember) very long dream which was a bit more detailed than the others of late and had an emotional feel (at least in the end). I might have been able to remember more dreams but by the time I had written that down Popcorn (my oldest cat) REALLY wanted to go out and it’s very hard to concentrate on dreams through persistent meowing.

Tonight: I’ll do the same thing and see what I get.

Results from 4-10-07:

Tonight was botched. I fell asleep during my trance cd and it all just went downhill from there. However, now that I think about it… the last dream did have a scene with me sewing and some of the pins had purple heads! Oddly enough, I didn’t focus on purple tonight…

Tonight: Try again.


Almost fell asleep to the cd yet again but managed to stop myself. Got several remembered dreams out of it including an interesting one involving a monster conspiracy theory that I placed in my DJ. Didn’t get lucid or see Writerscube tonight (I had planned on it).

Tonight: Try again… shower, listen to ONE file directly before bed and repeat last chant about Writerscube while also thinking about the moon quest and previous NDs nad LDs.

My recall has been declining a bit and I think I’ve been going about this whole thing much to higgledy piggledy-there and yon. I will now scrub it and restart the entire thing with a much more scientific/code breaker approach.

From now on I will only add or subtract something from the routine after the current routine has been in effect for at least a week. I will also start very slowly. To begin with I will need a base of normalcy so I will know when things change from ‘normal’. The only thing that will be a constant in my routine is the small part of my mind that wants to remember dreams.

For 4-17-07 to 4-23-07 I will do nothing to set a base for normalcy. Tonight is the start of that. =0) It will be slower but I’ve tried quick and it’s just confusing. Here we go!

Week One-Day One of ‘Establishing Normalcy’:

Recall was (if anything) a bit poorer than the night before. I set no alarms for any wake back to beds but ended up waking in the middle of the night anyway. I should have tried to remember the dreams to write them down… that way it wouldn’t have been tossing and turning so much as waking with a purpose. We’ll see what tonight brings.

Week One-Day Two of ‘Establishing Normalcy’:

Recall much better since I made myself write things down when I realized I was awake. Interestingly enough now that I’m not making myself think about LDs throughout the day I had two on this night relating to LDs in some way. In one I thought I was in a shared LD (though since I was primarily an observer in this dream it was obviously not so) and in a second I found myself viewing the ‘You are dreaming’ Thread on this site. This is the very first time anything from this site has randomly shown up in my dreams! It resulted in me doing three RCs NONE of which I really paid enough attention to for lucidity to result.

Here’s what you missed while I was gone.

Lab results…

Results of 4-12-07:

No lucidity but my recall is a bit better.

4-13-07 Plans: Noticing that I managed to have purple in a dream the night I DIDN’T concentrate on it I have decided to add the following to my routine… - Six days of the week (Monday through Saturday) I will focus on one color of the spectrum (or my idea of the rainbow). Throughout that day I will search that color out while awake and do a reality check whenever I am aware of it. During the night I will focus on it as I did before with purple.

Results of 4-13-07:

No lucidity. Last night was blue night in the color spectrum. I didn’t focus on it as long as I did on purple when I first started but this night I had a collection of blue dresses (and one purple) stand out in the longer dream.

4-14-07 Plans: Same as last night but tonight purple will be the focus.

Results of 4-14-07:

No lucidity but the dreams I remember are a bit longer and more detailed. I did have a purple jewel-like lego in one dream but that is pretty much it.

4-15-07 Plans: This night will be about no color specifically I will only be focusing and what was mentioned above.

Week One, Day Three of ‘Establishing Normalcy’:

WOW! Nothing different done tonight and I recalled seven hand written note book pages of dreams! One will be put into my DJ later today when I actually get around to typing them all out! They involved everything from lassos to frozen cars and flooded sky scrapers! I wonder if this is just a great night or how things are normally? We’ll see.

Week One, Day Four of ‘Establishing Normalcy’:

I looked back at the last two nights and discovered that both they and this last night have provided six dreams to recall. It seems to be averaging out. In one dream animals seemed to like to bite me…

Week One, Day Five of ‘Establishing Normalcy’:

An unexpected LD this morning! I was cementing another dream in my mind (rather desperately because my recall on waking was a bit fuzzy) when I realized that I had actually re-entered the dream! I might have gotten more done if I had actually been expecting to be lucid… anyway, including the lucid dream this morning there were once again a total of 6 recalled. If I hadn’t had that one the number would have slipped to five.

Week One, Day Six of ‘Establishing Normalcy’:

Five dreams from the first part and I got another four when searching for a sixth to write down… mainly because I drifted off back to sleep…

Week One, Day Seven of ‘Establishing Normalcy’:

Last night. I recalled some lengthy detailed dreams but my recall was dampened a little considering I was in pain and sick when I woke up. VERY hard to concentrate on recalling dreams.

What Next:

For the next week I will set my mind to have lucid dreams and start back up my WBTB.

Week One, Day One of ‘WBTB+Intent’:

It could have been better. I was exhausted from feeling icky that day and also went to bed a bit later than normal. I also put TWO WBTBs in the night instead of one. I won’t do that again. It clearly doesn’t help. I remembered a total of two dreams… the second one only because I drifted of to sleep again in the morning while trying to recall anything else.

Week One, Day Two of ‘WBTB+Intent’:

Recall was better though a bit fuzzy in places. Including morning dreams I recalled a total of ten (most of them fairly short but not fragments).

Week One, Day Three of ‘WBTB+Intent’:

Three dreams recalled, but I didn’t spend a good portion of my morning laying in bed to recall them either. One was interesting enough to put in my DJ though. I think this intent thing is going to take a bit more getting used to…