Week One, Day Four of ‘WBTB+Intent’:
My sleep was messed with a bit so I only recalled two (I thin it was two) fuzzy and rather short dreams. If I hadn’t been yanked from the brink of sleep it is quite possible it would have been better…
Week One, Day Four of ‘WBTB+Intent’:
My sleep was messed with a bit so I only recalled two (I thin it was two) fuzzy and rather short dreams. If I hadn’t been yanked from the brink of sleep it is quite possible it would have been better…
Week One, Day Five of ‘WBTB+Intent’:
Tonight started out seeming as though it would go downhill as well. From the first four and a half hours of sleep I could only recall a snatch of a dream (I remembered a much interesting one but that disappeared before I got the pencil in my hand). The final part of the night yielded two lucid dreams! Unfortunately I was fighting for better lucidity through most of them and drifted in and out of sleep throughout. Rather frustrating. I’m going to have to find better ways to improve lucidity.
Week One, Day Six of ‘WBTB+Intent’:
I have to say the amount of intent was much smaller tonight than the other nights. It ended up feeling like a normal night with me recalling six dreams of average size. Some will be appearing in my DJ.
Week One, Day Seven of ‘WBTB+Intent’:
Horrid recall. Never even heard the alarm for my WBTB. The only real dream I recalled was small and very vague. I did become lucid in a FA just long enough to throw the covers off me though. After that I remember nothing.
Next Week: The same with the addition of listening to the half an hour long lucid trance track sometime before getting ready for bed. Title ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’
Week One, Day One of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Woke up to my WBTB alarm tonight but made the mistake of trying to find dreams from the first cycle and so fell back to sleep again without doing any intent. Recall was a little better though. =0)
Week One, Day Two of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Didn’t get my alarm this night so intent was off. My recall levelled out at its normal six though. I think I am added too many things to my schedule before I’m fully used to them. I will keep this set up until I am fairly good at doing them and used to it enough that I can get my average dream number. I could move on then.
Week One, Day Three of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Woke up to alarm but faded back to sleep again while cementing a dream. AUGH! This happens far too often! I’ll get it with practice. Still not too much intent, six dreams though not that interesting or long.
Week One, Day Four of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Still working on it but I believe I found the perfect time to WBTB. I am near wide awake and the only reason I dose off again is because I have several detailed dreams that I’m trying to sort out and recall completely. Tonight it was a glut of Stargate based dreams. I got one out of it. Making progress at least.
Week One, Day Five of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Well, a bit of an unexpected turnout… I was daydreaming a bit before sleep took me and got involved in a rather ‘involving’ math equasion (sp). It kept me up for longer than normal. I finally let it go and went to sleep after another half hour. Well at my WBTB I had a single dream that I was working on cementing but… well I ended up re-entering it where I left off and finishing out the night. So I now have an incredibly long (unlucid) dream. Better luck next night!
Week One, Day Six of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Completely forgot trance yesterday. However I did the same re-entering/lengthening of a dream as I did the night before. This time after I’d written it down and had some time I managed to have a rather long dream that ended lucidly. I’m going to work on getting intent in there at the WBTB part instead of only thinking ‘I need to remember it’. That way it’ll turn lucid!
Week One, Day Seven of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Might have tried a bit too hard. I ended up with two small dreams that still might end up being a single dream. Neither lucid. =0(
Week Two, Day One of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Similar results to last night only I remembered a bit more.
Week Two, Day Two of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
I didn’t even manage WBTB last night. I think I know what’s going on. I have been half attempting the whole character thingy during the first part of the night instead of my intent and reminders to remember dreams. I’ll have to reign myself back again.
Week Two, Day Three of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Sometimes I wish I really were sleeping in a lab and this were the only thing I had to do! I have neglected to take into account the change in weather and change my bedding accordingly… last night I was woken up many times due to the heat. I’ll try it with the window open the next night. Of course I still was able to recall something… two dreams. I discovered why I didn’t wake up to my alarm the night before… I had turned it off for some reason! lol I’ll remember to check that every night.
Week Two, Day Four of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
A bit better this night. I had trouble focusing a bit but did end up with a scattered and highly disturbing lucid. I will NOT be sharing this one in my DJ. =0)
Week Two, Day Five of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
No lucids but then again I went to bed later than usual and was rather tired. I did recall two dreams easily in the morning though.
Week Two, Day Six of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
MUCH better on this night. Sure it was still only two dreams but I made sure that all I went to bed thinking was that I need to remember my dreams. Then in the early morning I drifted back determined to have a lucid. I did. Granted it was short lived because the alarm rang around an hour after I had originally woken up but it was clearer than the last one and I got some things confirmed. There was also snow. =0) Big fat fluffy flakes of snow!
Week Two, Day Seven of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
No lucids tonight though I did sleep in to try and get some. Still haven’t woken up for the WBTB at 4.5 so I don’t know what’s wrong there. I’ll focus on that more as I go to sleep. I have four recorded this night.
Week Three, Day One of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
I didn’t wake up with my alarm… I woke up two minutes after it rang and I had apparently turned it off. Only one dream recalled from the entire night. Somehow I’m slipping but I’m not sure how.
Week Three, Day Two of ‘WBTB+Intent+Trance’:
Woke up with the alarm but couldn’t recall any dreams. I had a few in my mind when I woke up later but lost two while trying to become lucid. I think I need to concentrate a bit more on what lucid dreams are and how they feel to help me focus on intent. This is obviously not helping.